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2024 applicants in star families: where the daughters of Alexander Abdulov, Yulia Nachalova, the son of Eduard Limonov and the star of the TV show decided to enroll

Date: June 26, 2024 Time: 19:17:59

Evgenia Abdulova is similar to the famous father of the popular artist Alexander Abdulov. But I didn’t choose acting as a profession. She wants to be a director. Photo – press service of the film “Baba Frost and the Secret of the New Year”

This year several children from star families and some celebrities graduate from school. We tell you where the 2024 candidates with famous names decided to register.

Daughter of Alexander Abdulov

17-year-old Evgenia Abdulova graduated from the eleventh grade of Moscow secondary school on Gilyarovsky Street. The girl spent last year preparing for the Unified State Exam and even before that she began to master the basics of her future profession. Evgenia Abdulova is the daughter of the popular artist Alexander Abdulov (the girl’s father died when she was 9 months old) and the lawyer Yulia Abdulova.

Evgenia Abdulova enters VGIK in the directing department. It was her decision, which my mother listened to. The entrance exams for directing at the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after SA Gerasimov are taken into account: a creative test, a professional interview, an interview and the results of exams in Russian language and literature. The creative test includes a biographical sketch (including a story about which national film reflects the applicant’s aspirations in the director’s profession), a photo essay, a story about an interesting incident from life and other creative works.

Like other applicants, to be safe, the girl will apply to several universities at once and to different specialties. Since in VGIK for each management specialty there are only 10 places for budget and 10 places for extra-budgetary training.

Graduate Abdulova prepared for a creative profession several years before entering. The girl studied in a film studio, she mastered the basics of the profession: with other boys she made short films and other amateur mini-films of her own composition. Zhenya was also interested in related film professions: she learned to do makeup and last year she starred in the family comedy directed by Andrei Bogatyrev “Baba Frost and the Secret of the New Year” in the supporting role of the protagonist’s daughter. character. Six months before graduating from school, Zhenya said: “I shoot in the studio all the time; I have never been embarrassed by weather conditions or the fact that I could get hurt. I read books on psychiatry and criminology; I’m interested in knowing what goes through a person’s head and why they do those things. I like makeup. “Mom says I have my dad’s eyes, but I’m a terrible player.” Self-deprecating Zhenya has not dreamed of being an actress in recent years. Although in primary school she attended a theater studio, and when she was little she starred in the film “Love and Sax” by Alla Surikova. Six years ago, on the TV show “Tonight” Zhenya Abdulova spoke about choosing a profession: “Either actress, director, or cameraman. I also like to be in charge, so maybe I’ll be a director.” The girl grew up and began to film and edit a lot: first with the phone, then with the camera, at her expense. And then I went to study at a specialized studio.

Daughter of Yulia Nachalova

Vera Aldonina decided to become a musical artist: the girl sings well. But like all graduates, they will enter several universities. Photo – social networks

17-year-old Vera Aldonina graduated from the eleventh grade at a metropolitan private school. Vera is the daughter of the singer Yulia Nachalova (her mother died when the girl was 12 years old) and the footballer Evgeny Aldonin. Vera studied well and managed to practice her favorite music: she is already a musical artist and winner of the Grand Prix of international musical competitions. Vera Aldonina sings really well.

Vera Aldonina, Yulia Nachalova’s daughter, at Last Call with her grandmother and father. Photo – social networks

After the death of his mother, Verochka lived with his grandparents, who created all the conditions for the boy to study and do what he loved. After passing the Unified State Exam, Vera plans to enroll in the Faculty of Musical Arts of the Music Department of the Moscow State Institute of Culture. The first call of this year: they will train artists who can play in musicals and operettas. Aldonina dreams of becoming a musical artist. At the time of admission, exams in Russian language and literature are taken into account and internal exams are carried out: completion of a solo program, interview.

Son of Ekaterina Volkova and Eduard Limonov

Son of the actress Ekaterina Volkova and the writer Edurad Limonov, Bogdan is passionate about history. Photo – social networks

Actress Ekaterina Volkova supported her 17-year-old son Bogdan at the last call. His father, the writer Eduard Limonov, died when the boy was 13 years old. Bogdan studied at a predominantly English school in Moscow. He studied well and was especially passionate about history, which he studied deeply. The boy has a large amount of information and knows how to analyze it, so he was even invited to participate in political debates on a well-known program, but his mother did not allow it: he is too early for a schoolboy. to assist these types of projects. Soon Bogdan will become a student and we may see his analytical skills. The boy does not reveal the university he is entering, but his profession will be related to history and politics.

Kamila Valieva

Kamila Valieva with her main support and support: her mother Alsou. The graduate enters several universities. Photo – social networks

The famous figure skater Kamila Valieva, 18, decided to enroll in several universities at once. The athlete plans to master two professions: the main one, a figure skating coach, and the second, related to creativity and television. Kamila’s plans were, first, to become a coach, and after a couple of years to master a second profession.

But priorities can change. After all, Valieva recently said: “I am going through auditions for film and television projects. I will develop in this, so I hope you see me again…”

Winner of the television show “Amazing People”

The winner of the television show “Amazing People” Grigory Tsinamdzgvrishvili enters the Higher School of Economics. Photo – social networks

Grigory Tsinamdzgvrishvili, 17, won the seventh season of the television show “Amazing People” in May. Gregory’s parents have been working abroad for many years; He recently lived in the Philippines. But I always studied at the same time in a Russian school, part-time and part-time. Now the boy is taking the Unified State Exam. And then he intends to fulfill his dream: he is going to master the profession of economist. Grigory told the KP.RU website: “I dream of entering the Higher School of Economics. But I am also thinking about other universities, some of them accept me without exams as the winner of the French Language Olympiad. “I really want to get a Russian higher education, I am sure that I will be able to get a solid foundation that can then be supplemented and expanded if necessary.”

Grigory Tsinamdzgvrishvili mnemonic. Mnemonics is a set of techniques that increase memory capacity and facilitate the memorization of information. Grigory, like a computer, remembers and can instantly reproduce information in large volumes. For his abilities, the boy received the main prize of the TV show “Amazing People” – 5 million rubles. Grigory plans to enroll on a limited budget and, if it doesn’t work out, use the profits for off-budget education.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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