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Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences announced an alarming signal due to the spread of many subtypes of coronavirus

Date: September 19, 2024 Time: 19:22:39

Onishchenko called the spread of new coronavirus subtypes an alarming sign.

Photo: Ivan MAKEEV. Go to Photobank KP

… – Gennady Grigorievich, first of all I would like to congratulate you on the birthday of Rospotrebnadzor, with which we are directly connected. And I wish you further creative and medical achievements.

– I want to clarify… Today, Sasha, is the day of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance. Because in the organization you mentioned there is also another service, this is the protection of consumer rights.

And so, thank you for your congratulations.

– But I’m not just calling to congratulate one of my most beloved heroes on the holidays.

– What questions do you have?

– During the week of September 2-8, the number of people infected with Covid in Russia increased by 17.3%. At the same time, Rospotrebnadzor records a sharp increase in more transmissible variants of COVID-19 pathogens, i.e. those easily transmitted between people…

– And – your question?

– Can this be called an increase in the spread of new, highly contagious coronavirus variants?

– First, unfortunately, the figure is incorrectly reported to government agencies.

– That is?

– A 17% increase means nothing, depending on the indicator you start from. I admit that if you follow such a primitive path, it may not be 17%, but 27%.

The fact is that the data on which it is believed are still, fortunately, in the phase of sporadic morbidity.

– How to understand – sporadic?

– Sporadic morbidity: all infections have it, each has its own level.

I would say that things have not yet reached the epidemic threshold, after which we can talk about an epidemic or, in some regions, a major outbreak. But we should be careful now.

– Yes. Why?

– Because the first half of September is already over. And it has always been the month when the incidence of the entire group of acute respiratory infections increases. And we call this the “September epidemic surge”. Because not only “corona” is increasing, but also other viral infections.

In fact, from about July to early August we said that Omicron, which is already circulating, is a subtype of “corona” – COVID-19…

– What is a subtype?

– In July, several new subspecies of Omicron appeared, which, like the entire group, are highly contagious.

– Is that contagious?

– And second. (This is already a scientifically established fact.) They are the immunity that we develop against previous strains, and there have already been many, starting in 2019, at the peak of the pandemic, and in general, when it was… .

So they bypass the immunity that was there. That is, they overcome it. Well, here… We say the same thing about the flu. It also bypasses the immune system.

– More on the flu later, but what do we need…?

– Later I say that they behave – in their epidemiological circle – in the same way.

That is why now, in September, at the international level, at the level of the World Health Organization, countries are reporting that several more types of Omicron have appeared. And what worries me most is that several subtypes that have this property are acting simultaneously, to prevent it, either as a result of vaccination or due to a previous illness: they have acquired immunity against previous strains.

– How is being saved the most important thing?

– This is an alarming component, but our job is to tell you what to do. Also?

– Yes, how to escape this?

– Don’t just talk about the emergence of new strains. Do I understand your call?

– Yes, how can that be? What to do?

– We need prevention. And the first point is to carefully monitor your health.

If a person has a fever, abandon the behavior of our developed population: oh, okay, now I’ll go ahead, drink hot tea with jam and everything will go away. Take it and get tested. Testing is now easy to do: you just need to go to the pharmacy and buy what you need.

And at the same time consult a doctor. If they confirm… Your temperature may not only be due to Omicron, it could also be some type of parainfluenza, or some other infection.

And from this stove of communication with the doctor we have to dance.

He will suggest that someone be hospitalized because he has chronic lung diseases or something else, some complex diseases of the cardiovascular system.

He will tell someone: “Stay at home, don’t infect anyone, lead a moderate lifestyle, isolate yourself more.”

People also have such opportunities to not infect someone, etc.

– Understood, thank you.

– Today, all these Omicron subtypes are outwardly easy to deal with. And every week, a few patients are hospitalized – two thousand across the country. And the number of recoveries is in the tens of thousands. Because most are being treated on an outpatient basis, but they have been diagnosed.

– Understood, thank you.

“Therefore, we must also understand one more thing: a strong cold wave will soon begin, and you and I, spoiled by the heat, first unbearable, then moderate, will enter this period very painfully. And the cooling has already begun.

– Thank you.

– And most importantly, don’t forget to get your flu shot.

Why do I insist on this, Sasha? It is necessary to get vaccinated against the flu because it will definitely protect you from it, and if you still get sick, you can definitely say that you are sick with Omicron in the first place.

I say this for the future. Of course, it is easier to have one illness than two at the same time, and this can also happen.

That’s all, nothing, we’ll get through this period. Here.

– Thank you so much.

– Everything will be okay.

– Thank you.

– You’ve used up your monthly limit of the word “thank you” today. You tried to interrupt me recently…

– I never, ever tried to interrupt you!

– But – in a very polite way.

– Never!

– Thank you for being patient and not turning off your phone.

– Thank you very much for such useful advice. Goodbye.

– Don’t get sick.

– Hugs. And don’t get sick either.

– And get ready for the flu shot, which we will give you at Komsomolskaya Pravda.

– Yes, it’s true!

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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