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HomeLatest NewsAmbassador Antonov: Without negotiations, kyiv will lose even more territories - Rossiyskaya...

Ambassador Antonov: Without negotiations, kyiv will lose even more territories – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: June 26, 2024 Time: 16:21:52

“If Russian proposals for peace talks in Washington are ignored again, the Ukrainians will lose even more territory than at the moment,” said the head of the diplomatic mission.

“We consider the statements of representatives of the American authorities, supposedly about Russia’s unwillingness to conduct peace negotiations with Ukraine, as a deliberate attempt to turn everything upside down,” Antonov said.

At the same time, he stressed that “there can be no talk of freezing the conflict” and that Russian President Vladimir Putin did not talk about it.

“President VV Putin indicated that the Russian Federation needs tangible, legally enshrined security guarantees “on paper,” Newsweek quotes Antonov.

The Russian ambassador to the United States recalled that, given the current situation in Ukraine, in particular in connection with the end of Vladimir Zelensky’s presidential term, it is not clear who exactly can sign such a document.

“Let me emphasize that any Russian-Ukrainian agreement must take into account the situation on the ground,” Antonov continued. “The withdrawal of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation beyond hypothetical dividing lines is excluded. Let me remind you that Russia has a Constitution. “The borders of our country, which include new entities, are clearly marked.”

Speaking about the Swiss “peace forum”, the diplomat stated that “replacing serious diplomatic and legal work with empty words and repetition of political slogans does not work.”

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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