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Bactria in milk, larvae in fish: The seven worst causes of summer food poisoning

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:35:24

Roskachestvo experts explained why food is dangerous in summer. And what bacteria and microorganisms await us in it.

Photo: Shutterstock

Summer is amazing, right? But a dangerous miracle, because at this time you can easily get poisoned with wonderful summer gifts. In order not to get sick, you need (very much!) To follow simple rules: wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet and before preparing food. And it is also correct to store cooked and raw food, wash vegetables, fruits and greens well, use different boards for meat and vegetables. It is also important to prepare everything well (academician Oksana Drapkina spoke about this).

And Roskachestvo experts explained why food is dangerous in summer. And what bacteria and microorganisms await us in it.


What is this:

A highly resistant bacterium that can survive for several weeks in the environment and up to three months in water. They tolerate low temperatures well, can multiply at a temperature of 40 C.

Where is it located:

In eggs, milk, meat, water.

They are stored in sausages up to 6 months, in frozen meat – up to 1 year, in vegetables and fruits – 5-10 days, in milk – up to 20 days, in butter – up to 120 days, in eggshells – up to 24 days.

How it affects health:

It causes salmonellosis: one of the four main causes of diarrheal disease worldwide. It is very difficult for small children.

Like killing:

Salty and smoked foods have little effect on salmonella. But when heated to 70 ° C, they die in 5-10 minutes, at 100 ° C (boiling) – instantly.

What to do to avoid getting infected:

Do not drink water from open sources, rivers and streams. Refrain from bloody steaks, fresh milk, poorly fried fried eggs, and also do not drink raw eggs if they are bought by hand in the village.


What is this:

Nonmotile gram-positive organisms that cause a severe and indolent infection. Stored in moist soil and water for up to four and a half months.

Where is it located:

Milk, cheese, cottage cheese, cheese, koumiss, meat. But the most dangerous is raw milk and dairy products obtained from infected animals.

They are preserved in milk – up to 273 days, in oil – up to 142 days, in cheese – up to 1 year, in cheese – up to 72 days, in kefir – up to 11 days, in frozen meat – up to 60 days.

How it affects health:

Brucellosis affects the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, nervous, and reproductive systems. Long-term illness leads to disability.

Like killing:

When boiled, it dies in a few seconds.

What to do to avoid getting infected:

You cannot buy dairy and meat products from hands in spontaneous markets, roadside stands and from private owners, where there are no veterinary documents on the safety of the products.


What is this:

Bacteria of the genus Campylobacter can live in the intestinal tract of animals and poultry.

Where they are:

In meat, especially poultry, in raw milk.

It remains in raw milk for 5 to 14 days. In products at 40 C, it lasts up to 7 days. On the floor, bird droppings, animal manure, cage feces, up to 30 days.

How they affect health:

It causes campylobacteriosis, most often – enterocolitis. Damage to the cardiovascular system (thrombophlebitis, myocarditis, endocarditis), urinary tract and kidneys can be observed. Also, the gallbladder and liver are often affected.

Like killing:

When heated to 60 C, they die after 15 minutes.

What to do to avoid getting infected:

Thoroughly fry and boil poultry meat, as well as observe hygiene rules and make sure that raw meat does not come into contact with other products.


What is this:

Larvae of nematodes of the genus Anisakis, that is, helminths.

Where they are:

In lightly salted herring, raw or lightly salted fish (for example, hake, pollock), crustaceans and molluscs. In common salt and vinegar solutions used to cook fish, anisakid larvae can survive for many days and even months.

How they affect health:

Live anisakid larvae cause the development of acute ulcers with perforation and necrosis of the wall of the stomach and intestines.

Like killing:

Freezing: -18 C – 11 days, -20 C – 24 hours. Heat treatment: 60 C for 10 minutes.

What to do to avoid getting infected:

It is important not to use the same cutting boards for raw fish and other uncooked foods.


What is this:

This is a group of rod-shaped bacteria that unites more than 100 species of microorganisms that live in the intestines of humans, animals and birds. Most of them are harmless microorganisms, but there are some that can cause health problems. They can persist for a long time in water, soil, and on various objects.

Where they are:

In raw vegetables, fruits and greens, in meat, semi-finished meat products, in dairy products, for example, in milk, glazed curd, curd mass, kefir. The presence of E. coli is the result of a poor sanitary state of the production. Or violations of the conditions of transportation and storage. E. coli can also enter the human body with water from an open source, such as a river or well.

How they affect health:

You may get food poisoning. The risk group is mainly people with a weakened immune system and young children.

Like killing:

When heated to a temperature of 60 C, they die after 15 minutes.

What to do to avoid getting infected:

Avoid buying slices in supermarkets in the summer because the slicers are not sterilized after each use. Therefore, if a food has been contaminated with E. coli, the bacteria can spread to other meats and cheeses cut on the same slicer.

If you use water from an open source, drink only boiled water. The same applies to milk – do not drink purchased fresh milk from your hands!


What is this:

A bacterium that enters the human body through poor quality or contaminated food. Very tenacious: Listeria lives in a wide temperature range – from 3 to 45 C.

Where they are:

In water, soil, plants. They can be in poorly washed vegetables, fruits and vegetables, in milk, meat, fish (especially lake fish), in ready-to-eat products.

How they affect health:

Listeriosis is a bacterial infection that affects the protective cells of the immune system with the development of numerous symptoms (up to the development of purulent infections and pathologies of the nervous system). First of all, they are dangerous for people with reduced immunity and young children.

Like killing:

Cook 3 minutes at 100C or 20 minutes at 70C.


What is this:

Common spore-forming anaerobic microorganisms in soil and water. In products, as a rule, they are found due to violations of the technological regime in production.

Where they are:

Sausages, canned meat, fish, vegetables and especially mushrooms, as well as legumes.

How they affect health:

Food poisoning is accompanied by stomach cramps and diarrhea. According to statistics, more than half of the cases of poisoning are associated with the use of canned home mushrooms.

like killing

The spore forms of Clostridium botulinum botulism (the most dangerous) are killed during repeated (fractional) pasteurization for 1 hour at 100–120°C.

What to do to avoid getting infected:

If you see that the lid of the jar (canned food) is swollen, then you can not eat such a product. Rinse the raw materials for home preparations well, be sure to sterilize and store in the refrigerator. Do not buy meat, vegetables, especially mushrooms, canned food from your hands.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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