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HomeLatest NewsCNN: White House and US lawmakers discussing greater support for Israel -...

CNN: White House and US lawmakers discussing greater support for Israel – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: June 26, 2024 Time: 21:29:01

Senior state and defense officials told lawmakers they were trying to get weapons and resources to Israel as quickly as possible through existing contracts, the sources explained. That could help ensure that Washington provides some military resources as quickly as possible amid questions about how quickly Congress can act on a broader aid package.

Two sources said the briefing included references to artillery shells and missiles for Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system. While Israel’s reserves are sufficient in the short term, they may need additional support if the conflict drags on, one source said. Artillery shells will be used if Israel launches a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip. It was previously reported that the Pentagon plans to bring US Navy ships and military aircraft closer to Israel as a sign of its support.

Officials also said they would immediately look to funnel additional aid through the $100 million Presidential Appropriations Office that the Biden administration could use for funding around the world. Officials told lawmakers that the cuts would likely require additional funding from Congress. Additionally, lawmakers at the briefing pressed Biden administration officials to offer an additional direct aid package to Israel.

Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said in a briefing that no direct link has yet been found between Iran and the Hamas attack on Israel. Nuland noted that Iran has historically supplied weapons to Hamas, but U.S. officials are “looking for a more specific connection.” Iran is a sworn enemy of Israel, and the two countries have long fought a proxy war of sorts that pits Iranian-backed factions against Israeli forces.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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