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HomeLatest NewsCriminologist Alexander Zvyagintsev - about jealousy that kills - Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Criminologist Alexander Zvyagintsev – about jealousy that kills – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: July 1, 2024 Time: 12:52:41

Rescue – two million

Volokolamsk, Moscow region. Olga Rozova, a resident of the city, was sure that the coming year 2021 would be joyful and happy for her. She has beautiful daughters, a good job, a close friend, and her mother and brother are always waiting for her at home. And recently someone appeared who helped Olga to believe in love again. Friend Elizabeth is right when she assures that a fairy tale like the one he created for her can only be envied. Any whim – please, surprise – please. Bouquets of flowers, horseback riding, a water park – everything is perfect for a girl. Live and enjoy!

With Pavel, Olga truly forgot the bitterness of the betrayal that ended eleven years of her family life, when, after the birth of her youngest daughter, her husband began to stay later and later at work and then send her a message of text: “Pick up my things, I’m leaving.”

Olga let him go without a fuss. She suffered in silence, not wanting to upset the children. Pavel surrounded not only her with affection, but also the girls. The wedding was approaching. Their 35th anniversary was approaching, so they decided to combine both celebrations. But a few weeks before the holiday, Olga disappeared. A friend contacted the place of destination in the city with concern: she left work but did not return home…

All his relatives were also worried: it was not in his character to stay and not warn. Tatyana Toropova, Olga Rozova’s mother, started calling all of her friends and they all came to see her. And Paul too. He received a terrible SMS message from Olga’s mobile phone: if you want your friend to live, you must pay a ransom of two million. An investigation team was immediately sent to examine the path by which Olga returned home. But only her car was found.

It was an open area. There were no settlements or petrol stations nearby. The car was left on the side of the road. During the inspection, no personal belongings or mobile phones were found.

Elizaveta, Olga’s friend, immediately said: “She wouldn’t go out with strangers.” I mean, if the window had been broken, the doors had been dented, you would have thought a stranger had kidnapped her. But the car is intact, which means that Olga left alone.

Husband or lover?

The Investigative Commission opened a criminal case for kidnapping coupled with extortion. First of all, two people were suspected: Pavel, the current lover, and Roman, the husband, although ex-husband.

Olga asked him for a divorce in the fall. For some reason, Roman took as a surprise the fact that she met a loving man and wants a divorce after four years of living apart. Olga began to receive SMS messages, from which it could be concluded that he began to follow her. While they lived together, he didn’t let her go anywhere, not even to a corporate party. And Olga believed that this was how it should be. And only when the pain of betrayal subsided, something changed in her, she began to enjoy her life.

Olga’s executioner was the one with whom she had shared bread and shelter for many years.

The search for Olga lasted more than a day. Family members did not lose hope and helped in the investigation as best they could. When, exhausted and tired, they were called again to the Investigative Committee, Elizabeth found it strange that Olga’s ex-husband Roman came with a lawyer. This also caught the attention of researchers. But during the interrogation, Rozov behaved calmly and even confidently. And he helped in the search with great zeal.

17 years is not enough for this!

Her loved ones were afraid to accept the fact that Olga’s executioner was the one with whom she had shared bread and shelter for many years. The one who enthusiastically participated in the search for him, playing the role of loving father and grieving husband more than others.

Video images from a surveillance camera installed in one of the rural stores helped solve the crime. The officers discovered that Rozov’s car was following Olga’s car at high speed. When she was presented with this video, you could say she began to cry and began to cooperate with the investigation. He did not cry out of remorse, out of frustration; After all, he had deliberately chosen a path where, as it seemed to him, there were no cameras.

According to Maxim Shcheglov, an investigator for especially important cases at the Investigative Committee, Rozov hid the car in the bushes, then waited for Olga to return from work and began to chase her. He caught up with him and pushed him to the side of the road. “She stopped,” he said during interrogation. “I asked her to sit in my car, as if to talk.” Apparently he wanted to talk to her about children. But for some reason he tied her up and took her to his outbuilding. There he first raped his ex-wife and then killed her.

The sentence Rozov received was considered insufficient by many in Volokolamsk: they hated the murderer very much. The Moscow Regional Court sentenced him to 17 years in a maximum security colony.

Love is bad…

Irkutsk region, Cheremkhovo. Vladislava moved to Cheremkhovo in the mid-2000s. She was already thirty years old when she decided to look for a new profession: she graduated from a local pedagogical school and got a job as a teacher in a kindergarten. It seemed like she would now start a new and happy life. According to her sister Olga, Vlada was very kind, non-confrontational and cheerful by nature.

There were also changes in her personal life: Vladislava met a young man, Gregory. He was eight years younger than her, and he was fond of drinking, had no money and no housing. It is not clear where he worked; he did not even have a passport in his hand. But all this was not a story: Vlada fell in love. Soon they moved in together.

On Sunday, June 18, 2010, Vladislava and Grigory had a picnic in the city park: they made barbecue and drank beer. In general, everything was fine, after the picnic we went to visit, stayed for a while and returned home. But I didn’t want to end the fun. But bad luck: we ran out of alcohol. Vlada went to the store, across the street from the house. What happened next remained a mystery for more than ten years.

The next morning, Olga, Vladislava’s sister, received a call from Grigory. “Are you with Vlad?” she asked. “She left in her robe and slippers.” “No,” Olga responded.

Grigory started calling his friends with the same question: where is Vlada? For two days he visited his acquaintances, worried because Vlada had disappeared. On the third day, Olga herself rushed to look for her sister. I ran to the regional hospital, met the police, inspected the area and saw a robe among the cherry trees in the forest area. He was hanging from the bushes, his underwear was lying nearby. Then they found her body… Olga noticed that Vlada had no shoes on her feet, but her feet were completely clean.

The murderer was not found. The investigation has reached a dead end. The investigation has been suspended.

Jealous roommate

12 years later, the investigator of the Investigative Committee Elena Evdokimova, studying crimes of previous years, removed him from the archive. The case included interrogations of witnesses and a forensic medical examination of the body. But there was no information to even suspect who committed the crime. The first clue was the same detail that the deceased’s sister noticed.

How did a person arrive at the park with absolutely clean feet? The file described the girl’s body and said that her legs were clean, without any injuries. From this, investigators have now concluded that, most likely, the body was brought to this place.

On February 1, 2022, the investigation into the case resumed. The investigation team also drew attention to the forensic expert’s conclusion, which had until then been ignored. He said the body of the murdered woman should have been kept in a warm, closed room for several days.

A new witness also appeared: a housemate who, for some reason, was not interviewed at the time. That fateful night, the girl woke her up with a call on the intercom. A neighbor opened the door for him and asked: “Why don’t you open it with your key?” Vlada responded that her roommate had her key, but he wouldn’t let her into the house.

The main suspect was Grigory’s roommate. After the girl’s death, he left Cheremkhovo for the city of Biryusinsk. The investigator and the criminal investigation department came there. Seeing them, the man started to run away and tried to hide. He was caught.

He admitted he strangled the girl with a robe belt and then drank for a day. Once she sobered up, she began to think about how to dispose of her body. At night, she carried him to the park area and hid him under a cherry tree. 12 years later she showed this place precisely. She said she killed out of jealousy.

Neighbours had already seen bruises on Vladislava’s face and body. And a month before her death, the girl even ended up in the hospital with a knife wound. And she immediately wrote a statement, but her roommate came to her, apologized and asked her to withdraw the statement. Which is what she did. She covered it up, she didn’t want to disagree with him and so she decided to completely change her testimony. It didn’t come to the point of initiating a criminal case…

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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