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HomeLatest NewsDamages due to DANA: this is how you can request financial compensation

Damages due to DANA: this is how you can request financial compensation

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:17:42

An episode of intense rain and storms has reached Spain this weekend. This Friday, a new Isolated Depression at High Levels (DANA) or Isolated Cold Storm (BFA), has surprised citizens who have started the work day in traffic jams and floods. In this way, what happened just a few days ago through the country and caused havoc in a good part of the peninsula is repeated. Therefore, it is advisable to know what compensation can be requested from the Insurance Compensation Consortium (CCS) if you have insurance, for economic damage or damage to homes or vehicles, caused by inclement weather.

When, last week, DANA caused countless damage in various locations, the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) asked those affected to review the conditions of their insurance. In turn, he urged collecting the necessary evidence to demonstrate the origin and consequences of the damage, such as photos, emergency reports or newspaper clippings.

To be entitled to compensation, the Consortium establishes that damages must be caused by a series of risks, which it calls “extraordinary events.” This is stated in article 1 of Royal Decree 300/2004, of February 20, which approves the Regulations on extraordinary risk insurance. This indicates that the objective is to “compensate, under a compensation regime, the losses derived from extraordinary events that occurred in Spain”, that is, extraordinary floods or atypical cyclonic storms, among others.

Can I seek compensation for damages caused by DANA?

The Insurance Compensation Consortium, which is in the hands of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, led by Nadia Calviño, is responsible for compensating material and personal damages or losses caused by catastrophes called “extraordinary risks”, which include floods. , earthquakes or storms, like DANA.

To cover the damage caused by these natural phenomena, Spanish insurers allocate funds to the Consortium on a regular basis. Thus, in relation to DANA, the CCS faces the material and personal consequences unleashed due to the floods. Although, to achieve this, it is essential that the affected person’s policy is in force when the damage occurs and the insured is up to date with the payment of the premium.

Likewise, it is essential to know that coverage is contracted automatically if you have subscribed to a property, life and accident or loss of profits policy with any insurer. To request compensation, the petition can be submitted by the insured himself, his company or his broker or agent, by telephone or web.

How to request compensation for the damage caused by DANA

Once compensation has been requested, the Consortium sends an expert to evaluate the damages, so it is advisable to have the insurance policy and the premium receipt on hand, as well as the remains and invoices of the damaged goods. . . Finally, insurance holders receive the bonus via bank transfer.

However, the Insurance Business Association (UNESPA) has a guide that explains how to request insurance compensation after damage caused by a natural phenomenon, such as DANA, forest fires, droughts, earthquakes and eruptions. . volcanic, among others. For its part, damages caused by rain, hail or lightning will be covered depending on each insurer.

Aid that can be requested if a catastrophic area is declared

It is likely that if your location, vehicle or home suffers the direct consequences of a natural disaster, be it an earthquake, floods, forest fires or snowfall, you are wondering what help you can ask for. If this causes personal or material damage, the autonomous communities or city councils can request the declaration of a catastrophic area.

Given this, the administration requests that the Government be declared an area seriously affected by a civil protection emergency, which will have to approve it. To do this, it takes into account whether personal or material damage has occurred that harms the living conditions of the population in a specific geographical area or when basic public services are paralyzed.

After declaring it a catastrophic area, the Executive has the power to adopt various types of measures, such as aid to individuals for damage to their home, compensation to administrations for expenses that cannot be postponed, or aid for damage to agricultural, livestock, forestry and port production. aquaculture sport. Added to this are fiscal measures such as the exemption from the Real Estate Tax (IBI) fee or the reduction in the Economic Activities Tax.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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