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Deputy Makarov explained how personal income tax and other taxes will change – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: June 26, 2024 Time: 16:03:08

At the same time, he noted that self-employed people pay a lower tax – 4% if they work with individuals, 6% – if they work with legal entities – which, in fact, is also an income tax, in a larger amount. – 200 thousand per month or 2.4 million per year. And this point must be taken into account when considering a fair personal income tax scale.

Andrei Makarov stressed that, first of all, the income tax system must be configured to support families with children. Furthermore, when establishing an upper limit on personal income tax, it must be taken into account that if it is excessive it will serve as an incentive for tax evasion. And as a result, instead of an increase in collection, there will be a reduction.

“We believe that maximum equity will be ensured through a progressive scale, but with several steps, which will allow a smooth transition from one income category to another,” he continued. Furthermore, it is important to examine proposals such as keeping tax rates on bank deposits and interest income on deposits unchanged. “Many people, when they keep money in banks, depend on it. And the increase in rates on this part will contribute not only to the outflow of money, but also to the cessation of this additional income of people. That is why we believe that it is “It is better not to take these funds into account when increasing tax rates,” says the parliamentarian.

Speaking about the self-employed, the deputy noted that one of the recommendations that the State Duma gives to the government is to keep the professional income tax regime unchanged. More than 10 million people are waiting for this. “This is the unified position of the State Duma,” he stressed. Furthermore, it is very easy to become self-employed; All communication with the tax office is done by pressing a few buttons on the phone, and it is the attractiveness of this regime that encourages people who previously did not pay taxes at all to become self-employed. Self employed.

Supporting small businesses is one of the main tasks that needs to be solved. The issue most often raised by representatives of small businesses is the simplified tax system, one of the most convenient regimes for small businesses, Makarov continued. There are several problems that companies talk about. If a small business develops successfully, it can become a medium or large business, and then it is forced to switch to a general tax system, which can destroy the business.

The president of the country listened to these people and proposed two very important initiatives: to facilitate a smooth transition from the simplified system to the general tax regime for those who grew up. Also, declare an amnesty for those who grew and fragmented their businesses to reduce taxes.

“How to ensure that people who have already divided their business are not afraid to show it and are not afraid to return to the legal sphere, that is also in our recommendations,” Makarov said. Most small businesses are around 60 million rubles, that is, much more than 90%. They have no problem with either the amnesty or the transition to the general regime. petition; Don’t touch us, give us the opportunity to work in the conditions in which we work today.”

What is also important is to take into account the instructions for tax deductions. He explained that the social treasury system that allows deductions to be made without additional effort on the part of citizens is already created and functioning in the country; They should be provided by the State automatically.

And finally, a very important question raised by Andrei Makarov: defenders of the Fatherland should be excluded from any system associated with an increase in tariffs. “We must protect them and their families. No change in income tax rates should affect them. This is the main requirement formulated by the State Duma,” he stressed.

In addition, according to him, companies say that they are ready to increase tariffs, but at the same time it is necessary to establish a support system for those who solve the problems of technological sovereignty of the country, business development and at the same time close legal loopholes for those who They evade income taxes. Why exactly are companies talking about this? Because the products of those who honestly pay taxes become uncompetitive with those who do not pay them. “It seems to us that changes in the taxation of profits of companies and organizations should follow exactly these paths: on the one hand, support for the investment component, and for these purposes it is necessary to create and introduce a mechanism for federal investment. deduction for those who invest in means to achieve the national development goals of the country, so that they really receive an advantage, and on the other hand, close the loopholes for unscrupulous taxpayers to create the most comfortable working conditions for conscientious taxpayers.” , emphasized the committee president.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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