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HomeLatest NewsElena Ksenofontova told terrible things: “He beat me to death”

Elena Ksenofontova told terrible things: “He beat me to death”

Date: June 28, 2024 Time: 08:09:09

Elena Ksenofontova

Elena Ksenofontova told about the terrible things she experienced first in childhood, and then in adulthood. Her stepfather and then her partner beat her.

The life of Elena Ksenofontova can hardly be called prosperous. When she was a child, the artist trembled because of her sadistic stepfather. She brutally beat her mother. Elena and her brothers also suffered.

According to Ksenofontova’s memories, the man cruelly mocked them, doing terrible things. In addition, the actress’s mother did everything possible so that no one knew anything. My mother endured harassment from her husband for almost 20 years.

The life of Elena Ksenofontova can hardly be called prosperous.

Photo: Personal page of the hero of the publication on the social network.

“It hit me to the core… The next morning, my mother covered up everything she could, put on beautiful clothes, and went about her business. And God forbid, she told anyone that no one should know. will people say?” – said the artist.

All this happened before his eyes. “They forced me to participate, to protect my mother, to run with her, to reunite my brother and sister. I saw my mother covered in blood, it was a terrible disaster,” said the star of the television series “Kitchen “. an interview with blogger Maria Gladkikh.

Her stepfather told Ksenofontova that no one loved her and poured a jar of urine on her. “He hit me. For disobedience, he could throw a bottle of my sister’s urine in my face. Terrible things happened. It was very strange, only now I understand that he had some kind of illness. He was not an alcoholic, he drank because of the smell.” “Whenever he drank, his face changed, he began to see enemies, to suspect everyone,” said the artist.

Ksenofontova’s stepfather went to prison for seducing minors. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison, but did not live to see his release. The pervert was stabbed to death a few months before serving his sentence. “He harassed a girl in the sandbox… Before me there was also harassment. He touched me. I couldn’t tell my mother… He is the father of my brother and sister, whom I love very much. This is part of my life. I want to know about him, it is very, very difficult to remember,” said the actress.

Ksenofontova recalled that her chosen one promised to introduce her to the seven circles of hell.

Photo: Video box.

It is worth noting that many years later, Ksenofontova was beaten by her partner Alexander Ryzhikh. The artist was with a lawyer for nine years. The star lived with the man as if in hell. He then tried to sue Sonya, Ksenofontova’s common daughter, but it did not work.

“He tried to strangle me! The ex twisted my son’s arms, destroyed him morally and psychologically. He could wake him up at three in the morning and start: “Do you remember, you…” I quickly realized it. that it was impossible to leave them alone at home. Then Alexander said: “Take your puppy and go! “I won’t give you my daughter, but everything here in the apartment will be mine!” – the woman recalled.

Ksenofontova recalled that her chosen one promised to introduce her to the seven circles of hell. At some point, the actress even began to think about suicide.

“Bruises and fractures, if you stay alive, will still heal. But a wounded psyche is unlikely and this, at the genetic level, is transmitted from mother to daughter, from daughter to granddaughter, etc. he constantly suggested that how are you “It’s not like that, if he hadn’t accepted you, then there’s no telling what hole you would have been found in later,” he added.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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