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HomeLatest NewsEscrivá calls to wait for the Spanish judges on interim contracts

Escrivá calls to wait for the Spanish judges on interim contracts

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:43:46

José Luis Escrivá, the Minister of Digital Transformation and the Public Service, considers that the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has made a “very extensive” interpretation in its ruling on interim public employees in Spain, something that Your judgment is not justified. This was announced by the minister during his speech at the New Economy Forum held this Friday in Madrid, after yesterday the CJEU issued a ruling that urges Spain to convert long-term interim workers who have not yet obtained their permanent status. place, called indefinite non-fixed.

Escrivá emphasizes that the ruling “refers to some specific cases and a specific area”, and for this reason he has pointed out that we must “see how the Spanish courts interpret what the CJEU suggests to them.” Currently, in Spain it is estimated that there are around 800,000 public employees in this situation, according to the Navas & Cusí law firm, which filed a complaint with the European Commission in July 2021 on behalf of Public Employees in Abuse (EPA).

About “excessive temporality”

This debate must be “much more profound” and cover “the challenge of the excessive temporary nature that has existed in Spain and that still continues to exist,” stated the minister, while recalling that it affects everything in the labor market, both in the private sphere as well as in the public sphere. In his opinion, in our country flexibility has been incorrectly understood in the field of labor relations and that is why in Europe, both in this ruling and in other reports and debates, “they misunderstand us.”

To address this situation, in 2021 the Government approved the law on urgent measures to reduce temporary employment in public employment after an agreement with the main public service unions with the aim of tackling the high rate of temporary employment. The objective is to leave that rate, which is around 30% mainly due to the weight of temporary communities and town councils, at 8%.

The minister has recognized that all public administrations have to continue working, since the situation affects the administration geneline N Mayor Measure “to the communities in the areas of Health and education. In this sense, he has opted to work in the human resources planning and recalled that next year the replacement rate will stop working, “one of the biggest perversions” because what it does is “perpetuate the persistent structure without considering the new needs” of the administrations .

To this end, he stressed that the State Secretariat of Public Service is dedicating “a lot of energy” to ensuring that we have a framework of reference to “perfectly define what type of public workers are needed and with what profiles.” In addition, there is another “very important” element and it is the problem that the processes of access calls for public officials take forever. “We have to greatly reduce access periods,” he acknowledged.

The Secretary of Trade Union Action of UGT Servicios Públicos, Isabel Araque, has also referred to the CJEU ruling, who assures that she does not call into question the stabilization processes that are being developed and by which more than 532,000 positions will be stabilized. . offered today. For its part, the CCOO Public Area values ​​​​the CJEU ruling that considers “a new setback to the hiring policies carried out by public administrations”, while trusting that it will serve to provide a solution for stability in employment or ending fraud and abuse in procurement.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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