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HomeLatest NewsFinancial Times: Xi Jinping accused the United States of trying to pressure...

Financial Times: Xi Jinping accused the United States of trying to pressure China to attack Taiwan – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: June 24, 2024 Time: 01:12:54

According to the publication, the Chinese leader, in a meeting with the head of the EC in April 2023, said that the US administration tried to trick Beijing into attacking the island, but he “did not fall for the bait.”

According to one of the interlocutors, Xi Jinping warned Chinese officials about this.

The Chinese embassy in Washington did not comment on this information, but emphasized that the United States supplied weapons to Taiwan and supported “separatist forces” on the island.

Earlier, the official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Mao Ning, called on the United States to stop sending signals to the Taiwanese authorities and sending them weapons. Washington should adhere to the “one China” principle, he added.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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