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HomeLatest NewsHow actress Alexandra Afanasyeva-Shevchuk changed after coma and memory loss

How actress Alexandra Afanasyeva-Shevchuk changed after coma and memory loss

Date: June 28, 2024 Time: 13:26:20

Alexandra Afanasyeva-Shevchuk. Frame from the series “Heal with Love”

Alexandra Afanasyeva-Shevchuk became known throughout the country after filming the television series “Healing with Love” in 2005. Both old and young people followed the fate of the main character. The young movie star was predicted to have a brilliant career in theater and film. But in 2013, the girl suffered a terrible accident. She was taken to intensive care in serious condition and then placed in a coma. When the star of the television series came to her senses, it turned out that she had lost her memory.

Alexandra Afanasyeva-Shevchuk is the daughter of Irina Shevchuk, known for the Soviet film hits “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “White Bim Black Ear” and “State Border”. The star’s heir followed in her footsteps. She received acting education from her at VGIK. She acted in theater and film.

Afanasyeva-Shevchuk suspended her career due to severe headaches. Photo: personal page of the actress on the social network.

His life was divided into a “before” and an “after” by a terrible accident. Sasha still doesn’t remember the moment of the accident. Long months in the hospital, coma, craniotomy, hair and memory loss. “We took her home bald and with a head injury. I remember all those small victories, how we prayed. You know, human life is so fragile that it must be protected,” emphasized the actress’s mother.

Afanasyeva-Shevchuk suspended her career due to severe headaches. It took her several years to come to her senses. Alexandra was unable to fully return to the stage. In the spring of 2016 she married producer Dmitry Guzeev. The couple has a daughter, Elizabeth.

The artist rarely posts images with her husband and famous mother. But sometimes she shows herself. She really wants to act. “Ready for new offers,” the woman writes.

The actress is still slim and attractive. Photo: Afanasyeva-Shevchuk’s personal page on the social network

Sasha is still slim and attractive. The star of the television series changed the color of her hair: the artist is no longer a deep red.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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