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HomeLatest NewsHow sambo was invented in the Soviet Union

How sambo was invented in the Soviet Union

Date: June 26, 2024 Time: 06:03:04

Actor Wolfgang Czerny in the film “The Legend of Sambo.”

“The Legend of Sambo” by Andrei Bogatyrev is a film about how in the 20s and 30s a separate Soviet type of wrestling was created on the basis of judo and jiu-jitsu. Initially called, according to the film, “self-defense”, short for “self-inflicted pain” (later the name “sambo” appeared, meaning “self-defense without weapons”). The founders of the new type of martial art were Viktor Spiridonov and Vasily Oshchepkov. “The Legend of Sambo” is the story of their friendship and rivalry (at some point they will become enemies; this will not last long, but the consequences for Oshchepkov will be fatal)…

Andrey Bogatyrev has directed several popular films in recent years: “Red Ghost”, “For Palych!”, “Baba Frost and the Secret of the New Year”, “Gold of Umalta”. About “The Legend of Sambo,” which premiered last year at the “Gorky Fest” in Nizhny Novgorod, he said:

– I’m skeptical of phrases like “sports movies.” All movies, books or paintings are about people. There are famous figures who have sports behind them, and photographs of these legendary figures are always interesting. “The Legend of Sambo” is also about people: Spiridonov, Oshchepkov and Anatoly Kharlampiev, who were at the origins of sambo. Through their destinies you can trace how sambo was born, but still this is not a party drama, but a picture about the creators of sambo with elements of action and adventure.

And the wonderful Austrian actor Wolfgang Czerny, who played Oshchepkov in the film, says:

– At first I did boxing, then pencak silat, an Indonesian form of martial arts. Then I studied Wing Chun Kung Fu. I finally found what suited me: the Filipino martial art Kali Eskrima. “The Legend of Sambo” was a great opportunity for me to use my previous passions for martial arts in film. I could not even dream of playing a master of sports, a legendary man, and I am very grateful to Andrei Bogatyrev for believing in me and entrusting me with this role.

“The Legend of Sambo” pleased not only ordinary viewers, but also professionals. Kirill Sidelnikov, six-time world champion and seven-time European champion in sambo, said after the film screening:

– I won one of my gold medals at the world championship after watching “Legend N17”. The film greatly charged me with a feeling of victory and pride for the country. There are similar feelings in “The Legend of Sambo”, after watching it, a desire arises to continue the traditions of the Russian championship. Few spectators know that sambo originated in the Soviet Union and that it was our people who created this sport and introduced it to the masses. And the image fascinatingly shows how it all began: the first victories of our fighters over their rivals from Japan and Germany. It should be great for young people, judging even by my young acquaintances, who, after seeing the film in the cinema, asked me about lines from the film and about the training system of that time. There is also a great quote: “There is only the path we follow to improve ourselves.” And this is not just about sports, these words are relevant in all areas of life. Or the episode of the movie in which it sounds: “The system lives as long as there are students.” 85 years after the creation of sambo, the system of this fight is still alive and improving, the students do not run out. I will even say for myself that for a long time I won many competitions, I was number one, and then it was the younger athletes who began to gradually push me away from the podium. Young people come, study, develop this sport. And despite the defeats, I’m happy to see this. I was at the world championship six times under the anthem and flag of my country, many of our winning athletes were there before me, it would be great if this tradition continues after me. In the end, generations come together and find common ground, even through sport. And “The Legend of Sambo” is the story of the origins of this sport in Russia, which eventually conquered the whole world.

Watch it on Channel One on June 14 at 9:45 p.m.


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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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