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“If these were KVN answers, I wouldn’t be talking so much nonsense”: What Alexander Maslyakov said about Zelensky in different years of his presidency

Date: September 17, 2024 Time: 05:54:50

Columnist Alexander Gamov recalled his interviews with Alexander Maslyakov

Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN. Go to Photobank KP

May 20, 2019.

– Alexander Vasilyevich! Since you and I have already spoken twice about the new president of Ukraine, there are literally a couple more questions…

– To be honest, I have a rehearsal. I can’t talk right now.

Secondly, I’m tired of talking about Zelensky. Am I a close friend of his, or what? I’ve said everything I can say, Sasha.

– Really quickly. Can anyone else from Team Kaveen fill in some positions?

– You know, God knows that such thoughts cannot even enter my head – to predict the fate of Kaveen’s soldiers. Do you understand? I am interested in them as talented guys of today. Today. What will happen to them next? This is a fact of their biography. I do not influence it. And to be honest, I do not think about it.

– Do you think you did not influence Zelensky either? But I think they did.

– I don’t know. This question is not for me. This is for Zelensky. If necessary, ask him this question.

– I will definitely ask. Continue rehearsing. I am sorry that the political department of Komsomolskaya Pravda is bothering you. And then everyone is actively quoting Alexander Maslyakov’s interview. And now your wish – what should you call it? To the student. I can’t do otherwise.

– No, no, no. No need for “student”. To my gamer friend Kaveen. That’s how it will be.

What wishes? I don’t know all the intricacies of Ukrainian politics. I don’t know, maybe the word “subtleties” is not appropriate there. Most likely, it is some kind of “thickness”.

But I am not a bookmaker. And I guess, I wish… I just wish that the most aggressive politicians in Ukraine towards my country would come to their senses. And we look at the facts face to face. Whether the new president will succeed or not, we will see.

* * *

On March 20, 2020, it was exactly one year since the appointment of showman Vladimir Zelensky as President of Ukraine. It was then that I decided to discuss the results of the new politician’s activities as Head of State with the head of the International Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, Alexander Maslyakov.

Here are excerpts from that conversation…

… – Alexander Vasilyevich, it’s been a year since Mr. Zelensky, a graduate of our KVN, took office as President of Ukraine. Everyone has already spoken: political scientists, journalists, politicians… Why am I calling you? Because from time to time KVN numbers with Zelensky’s participation are still shown on TV. How could you, as a wise person…

– You know, Sasha, everyone has spoken… I have spoken from the very beginning (a year ago in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda. – AG).

– Yes, I did that interview with you. That’s why I’m calling you.

– And I stand firm.

– That is?

– KVN is a game, and what Zelensky did for a year was other actions.

So, as I spoke then… How should I say this? Well, let’s call it doubts… (About Zelensky’s abilities and capabilities to lead the state. – AG) So I remained in this position.

– Let’s say you didn’t specifically observe Zelensky’s work, but his decisions still reached you.

– No, I didn’t follow his decisions, honestly. For me, all of this is the personification of the Ukrainian presidents; well, in a way… (Not a very related topic. – AG) I have many other questions and problems.

– In your opinion, where did Zelensky play best?

– He played well in KVN again, but it was a game. And that was a long time ago.

– In any case, some kind of assessment can already be deduced.

– Sasha, don’t try it, I won’t characterize him.

– I’m sorry. And yet…

– In my opinion, little has changed in Ukraine, much to my regret. I don’t know, I don’t observe, to be honest, in detail…

But I don’t think there is a feeling that the problems disappeared immediately or within a year somewhere and that an independent Ukraine headed by an independent president, Zelensky, has blossomed.

Well, not before, now there are bigger problems. I don’t know what it’s like in Ukraine, but we have a pandemic.

– They too. Alexander Vasilyevich, excuse me for contacting you on this subject, but except me, no one will discuss this with Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov.

– It’s empty. Sasha, think about whether this is necessary or not.

– It is very necessary.

– It’s not very good for me.

– We (viewers, readers, your fans) want to know your opinion.

– Let’s say it then. President Zelensky is not as brilliant as the KVN player Vova Zelensky. We can limit ourselves to this formula…

* * *

And this interview is from September 21, 2021. It is already much more alarming…

… – Alexander Vasilyevich, I contacted you two or three times to comment on Zelensky, but now I just can’t stand it. Because you said that you had not ruled out “the possibility of a full-scale war with Russia”. And our politicians, commenting on this, remind you of KVN, which is like Kaveen’s jokes. This is my favorite show, one of my favorites. I think our jokes are clever. Here. And this is stupid. How would you comment on my experiences, first of all? And then a statement from your former player.

– Oh, you know, I already forgot that he is a KVN player, because he is a kind of very controlled player, so to speak, what is his name? Doll…

– Puppeteers.

– Well, puppeteers, how is the puppet?

– Puppets?

– Well, more or less, yes. He’s like a puppet now, you know? So I don’t see him as a Kaveen player.

And such an analogy did not occur to me, although there are attempts at jokes, not very successful, on the part of the members of Kaveen.

But this is not the case. All this comes from someone else’s voice.

– Doesn’t it offend you when our politicians say that? Pay no attention, this is something like a joke from Kavehan.

– That’s not what they said. Lavrov said this, he didn’t formulate it like that. Well, what exactly did he mean? You have to ask him, but what kind of insult? It’s just about how I understand it, Lavrov, that instead of doing business, Zelensky is trying to joke about something, laugh about it. That’s the only way.

– No, there were others. Others also remembered you.

– Well, that’s not the point, Sash. Fine…

– OK. You’ve calmed me down a bit…

“It is so somehow” – if these were KVN answers, then I wouldn’t be talking such nonsense.

– I understand. I mean, in any case, if he asks you to come back to your club when you are no longer president, you won’t accept him, right? Or will you accept him?

– Of course not! They are different clubs, this is not for me anymore.

– I understand. Thank you very much!

– You’re welcome, Sash. Nothing…

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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