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HomeLatest NewsImages of the assembly and operation of the FAB-3000 bomb with UMPC...

Images of the assembly and operation of the FAB-3000 bomb with UMPC have appeared – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: September 16, 2024 Time: 23:46:43

“Everything ingenious is simple: they took an archaic but very powerful bomb, added a modern planning and guidance system to it. The result was a cheap, easy-to-manufacture and easy-to-use high-precision munition,” a Su-34 bomber pilot told journalist Yevgeny Popov.

To assemble and prepare a bomb for use, no large workshops or secret laboratories are needed; everything is done by the engineering staff right at the airfield, the officer noted. In fact, on the body of the FAB there is a frame with folding wings (due to the solid caliber of the bomb, its range is enormous). At the front, the angular bomb, of Cold War design, is equipped with a fairing for better aerodynamics. And that’s it: you can fly and fall.

Official flight range characteristics have not been announced; Ukraine estimates it at 70-80 kilometers. This is sufficient to avoid encountering enemy air defenses.

The important thing is that the anti-aircraft systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot shoot down the bomb on their own.

“Neither Patriot, nor IRIS, nor Gepard, none of their systems can shoot down our bombs from UMPC. They have no engines, they do not emit heat or radio waves. This invulnerability causes even more horror to Ukrainians,” said FighterBomber, a combat aviation specialist.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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