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It is prohibited to import cars, laptops and smartphones into the EU: will they be taken away and how to circumvent the restrictions?

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:42:54

Russians are prohibited from importing cars, mobile phones, suitcases and even… toilet paper into the European Union.

Photo: Shutterstock


Russians should not bring cars, mobile phones, suitcases and even toilet paper into the European Union. It sounds absurd, but this is clear from the recent clarification by the European Commission on the characteristics of the sanctions legislation. The fact is that in 2014 restrictive measures began to be applied against Russia “for actions in Ukraine.” EU Council Regulation No. 833/2014 of July 31, 2014 prohibited any movement of certain goods and cargo from Russia. Last year, clarifications were made: they say that the acquisition, import and transfer of goods that generate significant income to the Russian Federation is prohibited. Many believed then that this was a ban on importing goods for the purpose of selling them and generating income. But this year, cars registered in Russia began to be confiscated from our citizens. Several of these cases occurred especially in Germany. At first, the lawyers decided that this was the arbitrariness of overzealous German customs officials.

But on September 8, the European Commission confirmed that if an object belongs to a certain customs code (for cars it is 8703), it will be considered a prohibited import. And it doesn’t matter that you use this and you are not going to sell it to get rich.

Product lists are listed in a special application. And this included not only yachts, trailers and precious stones, but also suitcases, cosmetics, laptops, mobile phones, cameras, leather and fur products, shampoos, toothpaste and toilet paper. A little later, EC representative Daniel Sheridan Ferry clarified that EU countries cannot confiscate the personal belongings of Russian citizens entering the European Union, even if some of them are on the “black list.” ” (although formally they have the right to do so). But he confirmed that the cars of Russian tourists are subject to restrictions and cannot enter the territory of the European Union. So much for cases of confiscation at customs of personal effects: clothing, smartphones, etc. – was not heard. But who knows? Down and Out’s problems began.


“At customs, cars, laptops, mobile phones and other products included in the list will not be removed, they will simply not be allowed to enter the European Union,” customs lawyer Sergei Mrachkovskikh told KP.RU. – They can only take it from you if you try to smuggle it secretly. At customs, as a rule, there are storage chambers where goods can be left, but if this rule begins to be applied everywhere, I am afraid that very soon these chambers will be full.

The lawyer recommends, just in case, taking inexpensive phones and laptops with you when traveling abroad, so as not to feel sorry if something happens.

Another option is, if there is an urgent need, to purchase items that are prohibited from being exported from Russia, which are already in the eurozone. The merchandise will not be lost; You can take it to Russia. The main thing is to keep the receipt, warns our interlocutor.


“At the ground checkpoints there are parking lots and, in theory, you can leave your car there,” says Mrachkovskikh. – But I wouldn’t recommend it.

However, you cannot take our people into your own hands.

“I heard that a service on how to circumvent this law has already appeared,” Mrachkovskikh shared. – You sign a contract for the purchase and sale of a car in Russia with a citizen of the European Union and that’s it – the car is no longer subject to the ban. And the Russian is running it by proxy. We will see how this is implemented in practice, but everything here seems to be clean, it cannot be undermined.

Motorists with Russian license plates have felt uncomfortable in the European Union for at least a year.

“In Germany there were cases when a person who arrived from Russia with a Russian license plate, lived there and had already started the process of obtaining citizenship, lost his car,” said automobile expert Sergei Loginov, who specializes in importing cars. European foreign cars to Russia. -He The customs service arrived and took his car with Russian license plates on a tow truck. It is true that after receiving a residence permit he managed to return the car through the court, but it took a lot of work.

The legal way out is to register the car in Germany, for example, with temporary registration.

“But temporary registration is only possible if there are reasons for a temporary stay: a residence permit or at least temporary registration,” says the expert. – This is especially for those who officially work or study in Germany. The person must have a place of residence (it can be a rented apartment or social housing) and must have a guarantor.

In practice, according to the expert, it depends on luck.

“In fact, thousands of Russians travel around Germany in cars with Russian license plates and nothing happens,” says Loginov. – But if you catch the attention of some jealous police officer or official who is eager to curry favor, that’s it, say goodbye to the car. Or if they attack you for the local press, to show how they resist the Russians. So, if you managed to get in and didn’t get caught, it’s best to park your car in the garage and leave the lights on.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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