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Iván Urgant denied the publication with an armored vehicle on fire: “This Telegram channel is fake”

Date: June 18, 2024 Time: 17:19:33

Ivan Urgant has recently been accused of lacking a public patriotic position.

Photo: Personal page of the hero of the publication on the social network.

Ivan Urgant, 45, remains in demand as a presenter at private events. Including New Year’s Eve. He does not appear on television as a presenter: the program “Evening Urgant”, like many entertainment programs, left the broadcast of the first channel on weekdays after the start of the SVO. Ivan Urgant has recently been accused of lacking a public patriotic position. Someone started harassing the presenter for false posts on Telegram channels.

On November 22, Ivan Urgant wrote a refutation of the fake on his (real) Telegram channel: “In March 2022, a post with a burning Russian armored vehicle was published on a Telegram channel called “Evening Urgant.” With tenacity worthy of better use, I inform you again: the “Evening Urgant” program has never had a Telegram channel. This is a fake channel, with which the program staff began to fight long before the known facts. His complaints came to nothing. And after publishing a post with a burning armored vehicle, a request was sent to Telegram support to close the channel for spreading false information on behalf of the program (I am happy to attach a screenshot). The Telegram administration deleted the post, but left the channel safe and sound; you can check it, it’s still there. Who and why it was created; I have no idea. But if tomorrow, for example, I am informed that I drink babies’ blood at night, let me refute it in advance. I wrote my first post on Telegram only on May 5, 2022, and in it I just said for the distracted: “I didn’t post anything.” So let’s take this for granted. Let’s stop procrastinating, blaming indiscriminately, poisoning, persecuting and, most importantly, lying!

Ivan Urgant now lives in Russia with his wife and children, the artist traveled abroad on vacation. His work remained in closed private events (not public).

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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