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Karen Shakhnazarov on the appointment of Vladimir Mashkov as a member of Sovremennik: “The theater will only benefit from this. “It will be interesting again.”

Date: June 30, 2024 Time: 05:50:35

This was reported on the Moscow mayor’s website. Now Mashkov heads the Oleg Tabakov Theater, the Union of Theater Workers of Russia, and also the Tabakov Theater School (in fact, it is a university). Huge load. And now Sovremennik will have to be put in order after the death of Galina Borisovna Volchek. The fact that Mashkov did not work on Sovremennik is not of fundamental importance, says the head of the Mosfilm studio, director Karen Shakhnazarov, who directed Mashkov in his films.

– Vladimir Mashkov, in my opinion, is an outstanding theatrical figure. The theater directed by Oleg Tabakov is wonderful, it has very good performances,” says Karen Shakhnazarov. – I think not, because Volodya and I have been friends for a long time. He is really a very talented director and a wonderful actor. In addition, he is able to organize the creative process. He is a true theatrical person, energetic, creative, he lives for the theater. He has no other interests. I think I saw his last productions: he created his own direction in the theater. There is every reason to hope that he can revive the former glory of Sovremennik, which, let’s be honest, lost its style after the departure of Galina Volchek. There were no brilliant premieres there. So this is a very good appointment.

– Mashkov took on such a burden: two full theaters, with a large company, plus a theater institute, plus the Union of Theater Workers… Will he be able to achieve it, will he have enough strength?

– He has incredible and inexhaustible energy. I’m sure he’ll make it. He is capable of this. Sovremennik will again be an interesting theater. I know him well. He can handle it. A talented person with even Mashkov’s energy and organizational skills is a rarity. We can only wish you success. He has enormous potential. Sovremennik will only benefit, only win. No doubt.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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