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Latest news on the situation in Ukraine on June 16, 2024: what is known about the typhus epidemic in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and why Zelensky’s “peace summit” failed

Date: June 23, 2024 Time: 08:08:15

Not even half of the guests attended Zelensky’s “peace summit.”


From the Ministry of Defense news.

Russian troop groups demonstrated the success of combat missions. The “West” group occupied more advantageous positions and in its zone of responsibility the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 495 people.

In the zone of operation of the Northern group, the losses of the Ukrainian side per day amounted to 350 servicemen. Defense forces in the Kharkov region suffered significant losses.

The central group repelled five counterattacks by assault groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and destroyed the formation of two brigades.

“Vostok” also advanced, the enemy’s losses amounted to 140 people and one tank.

And in the zone of responsibility of the Southern Group of the Russian Armed Forces, enemy losses amounted to more than 630 people.

In addition, during the last 24 hours, our military forces destroyed the American PC30 HIMARS and M270 MLRS installations. Russian air defense systems shot down 54 drones, 4 guided bombs and 10 rockets.

Joint naval exercises between the Russian and Egyptian navies will be held in the Mediterranean Sea. The Russian side was represented by the frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov and the missile cruiser Varyag.


State Duma Chairman Viacheslav Volodin said that according to information received through the parliamentary line, some deputies of the Verkhovna Rada have already begun to discuss President Putin’s proposal for a peace formula. He also called this Ukrainian government body the only legitimate one. “The longer the Ukrainian deputies wait for the United States and the European Union to solve all their problems, the fewer citizens of the country will remain, who are only consumables for Washington and Brussels, and the territory of Ukraine will shrink,” Volodin emphasized in his publication in the social network.

Meanwhile, the draft Russian-Ukrainian peace treaty of April 2022 (two months after the start of the Northeastern Military District) was presented to the general public. It was published by the New York Times. According to the publication, the project was called “Treaty on Permanent Neutrality and Security Guarantees for Ukraine.” And it contains 18 articles, including the following points:

– Crimea remains under Russian control

– Ukraine does not form military alliances and does not deploy foreign contingents or military bases on its territory. And limits the number of Armed Forces.

– The independence of the DPR and the RPL within their administrative borders is recognized as independent.

– Ukraine was allowed to join the EU.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz admitted in an interview with ARD television that he does not rule out resuming contact with Vladimir Putin. He claimed that he communicated with the Russian president both before and after the start of the SVO. “But such negotiations only make sense when there is something concrete to discuss,” he said.


Damaged power grids are a growing concern for the public. Electricity rates have been increased for the population. According to the authorities, this is a necessary measure to restore communications. However, the head of Ukrenergo, Vladimir Kudrytsky, said that it will not be possible to completely restore the power grid before winter, because some of the units have been lost forever. He warned residents that in winter there would be a power outage in their homes, and for no less than 6 to 7 hours.”

On Ukrainian television channels, political and public figures urge people not to use electricity or turn on air conditioning, as “every air conditioner is a blow to the country’s security.”

Meanwhile, a typhoid epidemic began among Ukrainian military personnel stationed in Kherson and the Kherson region. Around 100 are infected and three have already died. According to experts, unsanitary conditions, lice and heat are to blame.


For the second day, the whole world is discussing President Putin’s speech, in which he expressed options for the peaceful termination of the Northern Military District. And all this in the context of the so-called “peace summit” being held in Switzerland, which was not attended by even half of the guests.

Recall that Zelensky had high hopes for the summit and invited representatives from 160 countries. But not everyone came. China refused to participate, India negotiated for a long time and finally signed up the Russian ambassador to its country as a participant. Many leaders refused to go at the last minute, like the president of Colombia. Not even the American president came, although he was in neighboring Italy at a G7 meeting and sent a deputy in his place; And the Ukraine peace plan has been reduced to three points. And at the opening of the meeting, Swiss President Viola Amherd stated broadly that “to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, it will be necessary to enter into negotiations with Russia at a certain stage.” Many political scientists around the world described this summit as a failure.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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