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HomeLatest NewsMedvedchuk predicted new referendums for Ukraine if it rejects Putin's peace plan...

Medvedchuk predicted new referendums for Ukraine if it rejects Putin’s peace plan – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: June 23, 2024 Time: 07:52:20

Medvedchuk noted that Crimea would not have become a region of Russia if “there had not been a coup” in Ukraine in 2014.

The politician recalled the Minsk agreements. If the parties had complied with the agreements, the DPR and LPR would not have declared their independence.

In addition, negotiations were held in Belarus and Türkiye in 2022. The consequence of non-compliance with the agreements reached was the loss of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to Ukraine.

“Residents of these six regions of Ukraine exercised their right to self-determination and in referendums spoke in favor of joining the Russian Federation. This process will continue,” Medvedchuk emphasized (quoted by TASS). In his opinion, “this is the reunification of Ukrainians with Russia.”

The politician believes that abandoning Putin’s peace plan “will mean the disappearance of Ukraine as a state.” Vladimir Zelensky and his kyiv allies will be responsible for this.

Previously, Medvedchuk recalled that Zelensky is an illegitimate president. It is difficult to call a state a territory with an anti-popular regime and legal nihilism.

“Vladimir Putin proposes returning the State to the Ukrainians, making it neutral, sovereign, demilitarized and denazified,” explained the president of the council of the Another Ukraine movement.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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