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HomeLatest NewsPoland finally became disillusioned with Ukraine: refugees demanded that Bandera be glorified...

Poland finally became disillusioned with Ukraine: refugees demanded that Bandera be glorified in schools

Date: October 16, 2024 Time: 22:18:13

The UN has published statistics on Ukrainian refugees in European countries.


Europe has finally seen the light on the Ukrainians who have flooded it. A recent interview with Polish Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysh caused a stir: Poles, he said, are outraged to see Ukrainian citizens driving expensive cars and relaxing in five-star hotels, and even receiving local payments.

Even Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski lost patience and suggested that all European governments should not pay benefits to Ukrainian male refugees of military age.

KP.RU found out the reasons for the violent irritation of Europeans.



The UN has published statistics on Ukrainian refugees in European countries. In total there are 6 million 740 thousand people. At the same time, the majority of people chose the country that the EU calls “aggressor”: 1,277,000 moved to Russia, Germany took second place, Poland came third, and 970,000 are Ukraine’s closest neighbor. Ukrainian migrants.


Poles feel more and more like Professor Preobrazhensky from Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog.” Immigrants from Ukraine not only intend to “eat”, but also to register in their living space.

Statistics speak louder than any words on the subject of housing and registration. As the Polish real estate agency Metrohouse discovered in September, almost half of the foreign buyers of real estate in the country this year are from Ukraine: “They bought premises with a total area of ​​400.6 thousand square meters. This represents 48.15% of the transactions carried out by foreigners.”

Guests from the East follow the immortal precepts of the polygrapher Poligraphych Sharikov. They not only respond rudely to attempts to demand gratitude from them. Ukrainians have also begun to set their own rules in Poland: for example, although they receive local benefits, they do not give up the Bandera cult, which is unacceptable for Poles.


Very few refugees send their children to local schools. Parents demand (and official kyiv supports them) that teaching be carried out in Ukrainian, and according to teaching materials developed in kyiv!

And how to teach history to these children? For Poles, Bandera, adored by Ukrainians, is a terrorist. Furthermore, it is well known: all his life he had only Polish citizenship (until 1939, Western Ukraine was part of the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth).

Bandera’s political “career” began with the assassination of the Polish Minister of the Interior Peratsky, and in 1943-1944 he organized the massacre of Poles in Volyn, trying to make Ukraine “ethnically pure.” Bandera killed about a hundred thousand people and destroyed hundreds of villages.

Many Ukrainian parents, Gazeta Wyborcza writes with surprise, turn out to be fervent nationalists. For us this surprise only provokes bitter laughter, but for the majority of Poles the reaction is sincere. After all, for almost ten years the same Gazeta Wyborcza described residents of the DPR and LPR as “terrorists” who, for some unknown reason, do not want to live under the supposedly more tolerant bosses of Lvov and Ternopil.

Europe has finally seen the light about the Ukrainians who have flooded it



The Pole on the street can be scary when he suddenly realizes he’s been fooled. They painted a picture for him: Ukrainians, as one, rose up to fight Moscow, there is a “unique opportunity to put Russia in its place” with their hands. Little is required of us Poles: to accept families of selfless warriors for a very short time.

It turned out the other way around. A unique opportunity fell not to the Poles, but to the resourceful Ukrainian citizens who have been using Chopin’s homeland as a food supply for more than two years.

The Poles claimed that the citizens of the Square who came to them are not afraid to often travel to their homeland. At the same time, they voluntarily receive a benefit of 800 zlotys (19,728 rubles) per child per month. Now, by the way, 65% of Poles are against granting such benefits to Ukrainians.

Instead of victory over Russia at the hands of the Ukrainians, the Pole in the street received rising real estate prices, poor education and, at the same time, crime. “They steal valuables and furniture from Polish apartments where they were allowed to live… they defiantly neglect our national traditions,” the publication Niezalezny Dziennnik Polityczny expressed the attitude of the average Pole.


Of course, the ideal of cooperation with kyiv for Warsaw would be to round up all fugitive Ukrainians of military age and send them to the trenches. To do this, they began to create lists of such citizens, including among students, and announced the creation of a “Ukrainian Legion” in the country: they say, sign up, go ahead, to defend your homeland. Foreign Minister Sikorsky put it bluntly: “We are reducing their (kyiv’s) mobilization potential by paying aid to Ukrainian refugees.”

There were Napoleonic plans to recruit ten thousand people into arms. And? The Polish Ministry of Defense sadly admitted that the number of people willing to join the legion turned out to be “extremely small.”

Victor Bezeka, former secretary of the USSR and then the Russian embassy in Warsaw, noted in a conversation with KP.RU:

– None of the Ukrainians living in Poland will go to fight. On the contrary, there is a flight from compulsory military service. When the kyiv authorities began to cancel the validity of the passports of Ukrainians living in the European Union, they began to apply more frequently for Russian citizenship at our embassies and consulates.


Yuri Bondarenko, former director of the Russian-Polish Center for Dialogue and Harmony, says:

– Anti-Ukrainian sentiments are visible throughout Europe. In Poland, Ukraininophobia is even stronger than Russophobia. The fact is that hatred towards Russians is imposed from above; They try to incite him through stories about the past and the press. But the disappointment of the citizens of Square is a very strong feeling among Poles today, based on personal impressions.

Besides, we’re only seeing the beginning. Our army has not yet begun to take the big cities. What will happen when the inhabitants of Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye, frightened by anti-Russian propaganda, go to Poland? The reception of Ukrainians will be completely different from that at the beginning of hostilities in 2022.


Germany also did not boast for a long time that it had accepted more than a million Ukrainian refugees.

According to statistics, 60% of Russian immigrants work in Great Britain. But in Germany, only one in five, 20 percent. What is the reason?

Berlin generously extended “basic insurance” rights to Ukrainians for German families: 563 euros for singles, if a couple arrives, 506 euros per person. Plus 471 euros per child.

But it soon became clear that the refugees perfectly mastered the technology of “dead souls”: many returned to Ukraine a long time ago, but their compatriots continue to receive its benefits. It reached amounts of 3.2 thousand “free” euros per family per month!

In Germany, even some manual jobs require knowledge of German. Joining a union also helps you get a new job. And this is not at all the case for the Plaza immigrants.

And finally, why work if you can sit on the neck of the State? But the Germans do not like the generosity towards the Ukrainians at all. It is not in vain that Chancellor Scholz’s rating has fallen into the abyss: even his own party wants to remove him from the list for the next elections.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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