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So that it doesn’t happen, like in the joke: “Mom, I don’t want to go to school, why are you waking me up?” – “Because you’re 40 years old and you’re a principal!”

Date: September 18, 2024 Time: 22:50:44

… – Gennady Andreevich, it means that September 1 was a Sunday for us. And children, and adults, of course, went to school only on the 2nd. So we wonder how the first day of the school year went for you personally. After all, you are, first of all, a teacher, a representative of a family dynasty of teachers…

– Yes, we have ten teachers in our family, our total experience exceeds 350 years.

For us, this is the main holiday, along with the New Year, May 1, November 7, Victory Day.

We always bought books on the eve of September 1st and distributed them to the first graders.

And I remember my childhood, when together with my father I would put textbooks on the desks. They smelled of wonderful printing ink, of beautiful paintings, of interesting images…

This feeling probably lasts a lifetime for every person who ever crossed the threshold of school for the first time.

– Yes! Exactly!

– Generally speaking, even if September 1st fell on a Sunday, I would still be teaching. Moreover, parents would be happy to come with their children. And this day off would be added to the next week there.

– Did you go to school today?

– Yes – to Moscow, N 950. This is the Otradnoe district.

The school is very big, almost 4000 students. There are many 1st and 11th graders there.

– Was there a ruler?

– Yes. Then I taught a “Lesson of Courage.” For our victory.” He spoke to high school students in the auditorium.

– How did the kids welcome you?

– I must say that there is a huge interest. High school students already understand what is happening and want to choose a worthy path in this life.

I also spoke to first graders…

– Oh really?

“I tried to explain to them that they were starting a completely new life. They will definitely find at school, first of all, their most loyal, reliable and selfless friends. Then they will be grateful for it.

And the first teacher is the second mother, she will teach, tell, educate. After all, a child must be able to read, write, run, jump and swim. He must be an all-rounder.

– You yourself once taught…

– Yes – in the physics and mathematics department, in the literature department…

And also at the faculty where primary school teachers were trained. And I must say that these are very talented people, generally women.

But to become a primary school teacher, you need to have excellent knowledge of the Russian language, literature, mathematics and be very talented.

In addition, he is a teacher of physical education, music and drawing, in other words, a first-class all-rounder. It is also necessary to understand child psychology. Boys and girls come for the first time, the teacher must be able to speak their language. And create such an atmosphere that the child goes to school with great pleasure and joy and leaves with his parents, proud that every time he acquires new knowledge he discovers a wonderful world.

And so, thinking about this, today I looked at the first-graders and rejoiced. They all came with flowers. The eleventh-graders took the children with them and separated them into classes. This is a good tradition that has been rooted since Soviet times and is still implemented today.

– What is missing from our school today?

– It is very important to have talented specialists in the field. And above all, the Russian language, mathematics, literature, physics, chemistry and biology.

And we must also remember that almost all outstanding discoveries have been made on the basis of exact sciences over the past 200 years. And now, even in Moscow, problems arise. Because the reforms in education have led to this “Baba Yaga” (that’s what Zyuganov calls the Unified State Exam – AG) already an Americanized school that does not need people who develop harmoniously and think systematically.

We had almost a hundred teacher training colleges across the country. Many people went to the colleges. As a result, the school was left dry.

And now the big problem is finding a good teacher of mathematics, physics, chemistry, a talented biologist or writer, and historians, in principle.

Here we will have to work, and it is no coincidence that we have developed the law on “Education for All”. Its foundations were prepared by our Nobel Prize winners Alferov, Melnikov, Kashin, Afonin, Novikov, Smolin, Ostanina.

In our Duma, half of the faction worked in schools and universities, every third was a scientist.

By the way, I talked about this today, and the guys listened with pleasure and understood that we speak the same language.

– Did you give them examples from your school life?

– Of course! She said that my mother taught me for the first four years. She told me: I will be your teacher. At school, I am Marfa Petrovna to you; when we return home, I am your mother.

– How interesting!

– For the only time in 4 years, I accidentally forgot myself and in class I said, “Mom,” and the whole class laughed.

And I also had a very interesting case. I wanted to get an A. Well, like any kid. I memorized the poem, I read it, everything was fine. They gave my neighbor an A and I got a 5/4.

I decided to “fix things” at home. I say: Mom, how can this be? I answered no worse. (I remembered this scene for the rest of my life.) Mom looked at me very attentively and said: “My task is to teach you to work, to love people and all living beings. From the fifth grade you will be an excellent student.” From the fifth grade (after shaola elementary school – AG) I became an excellent student and graduated from school with a medal.

Today I looked and there are many talented teachers in this school. But the best thing that mankind has ever invented is free education. But for the first time on the planet, the brilliant Confucius proved that it is necessary to learn for free two and a half thousand years ago. A child from any province of China would come to him and he would teach him and feed him for free. I thought it was beneficial.

Studying is not a service. It is a great public good. And if there are talented, intelligent and well-educated children, there will be talented workers, engineers, commanders and outstanding patriotic soldiers.

And now is the last time you’ll understand, Sash.

When the fascist generals who lost the Great Patriotic War were questioned, their answer amazed me. They (I read it myself) said: “We knew how many tanks, planes, guns, how many soldiers you had. But we did not even suspect that the Soviet school, the Soviet teacher, in the ten years before the war, had prepared such a brave, intelligent, disciplined and at the same time very brave and talented soldier and commander. And we lost, first of all, to the Soviet teacher, the Soviet engineer and the Soviet scientist.”

– Great! Thank you very much, Comrade General Secretary!

– Happy new school year to everyone!

– Hooray!

– And also a good joke to get you hooked.

– Come on!


On September 1st, a mother wakes up her son: “Son, run, run to school, to school, to school!”

He says: “I don’t want to go to this school, with this Unified State Exam, with this Baba Yaga, with this distance learning. Mom, give me at least one reason why I should go to such a school?”

She says, “I’ll name two. First, you’re 40 years old, and second, you’re a school principal.”

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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