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HomeLatest NewsSocial Security allows early retirement at age 55 in certain professions

Social Security allows early retirement at age 55 in certain professions

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:34:11

Between 65 and 66 years and 4 months. That is the legal retirement age in Spain collecting 100% of the pension. Those who meet certain conditions can advance it two years voluntarily in exchange for losing part of their pension.

If retirement is involuntary, for example due to dismissal, it is possible to advance the moment by up to four years and retire at age 62. These are the early retirements provided for by law. However, in Spain it is possible to retire at 55 years of age.

Certain professions can advance retirement even further and take it up to age 55 and, despite everything, receive 100% of the pension. These are very specific jobs that meet certain requirements.

They are those that Social Security defines as jobs “of an exceptionally painful, dangerous, toxic or unhealthy nature and that show high rates of morbidity or mortality.” In other words, dangerous jobs where extending the activity until the legal age can pose a detriment to health.

In order to retire at age 55, you must meet a series of requirements that vary depending on the profession. In general, it will be necessary to have contributed for a minimum of 15 years to access a contributory pension.

What professions allow you to retire at 55?

The jobs with which it is possible to retire early begin with the professionals of the bullfighting world, from the rejoneadores, the banderilleros, the picadors to the subalterns of rejones and the comic bullfighters.

In your case, you must be registered with Social Security when requesting retirement and have participated in a minimum number of bullfighting shows. The magic figure for matadors, rejoneadores and novilleros is 150 events, while banderilleros, picadors and comic bullfighters must reach 200 events. Sea workers can also retire at 55 years of age.

For their part, artists, who include singers, dancers and trapeze artists, will be able to retire with 100% of the pension from the age of 60, although they may also advance it by applying a reduction to the pension.

Other groups that have the right to early retirement due to the group or professional activity are workers in the Mining Statute, railway workers, flight personnel, firefighters in the service of administrations and public bodies and local police, as well as sea workers. .

In these cases, the specific retirement age with 100% of the pension may vary. What Social Security does with these professions is apply a series of reducing coefficients based on the years worked. These coefficients effectively reduce the age at which the worker can retire to 55 years and even 52 years, although without receiving the full pension.

Retirement at age 55 for people with permanent disabilities.

Beyond the professions with which it is possible to retire at 55 years of age with 100% of the pension, there is a group of pensioners who also have this privilege.

These are people who are collecting a pension for permanent contributory disability. This group will be able to access retirement at age 55 as long as they have a degree of disability equal to or greater than 65% and are receiving a major disability benefit.

The reason is that this group cannot carry out any type of work and even need help in their daily lives.

Also within this group, people with a disability equal to or greater than 45% will be able to retire early at age 56.

What pension can be received?

This type of early retirement due to professional risks does not imply a reduction in the amount of the pension. For the purposes of calculating the retirement pension, it would be as if retirement were ordinary, although the specific age depends on each profession.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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