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HomeLatest NewsStudy: More than 20% of young people need psychological help - Rossiyskaya...

Study: More than 20% of young people need psychological help – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: June 26, 2024 Time: 20:02:37

13.4% of young people have consulted a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychoanalyst in recent years. Most often, specialists were visited by residents of St. Petersburg, Tomsk and Yaroslavl – 22% of respondents each. A high demand for psychological help is also observed in Voronezh (21%), Perm (20%), Izhevsk (19%) and Irkutsk (18%). In Moscow and Ufa, the share of applications is 17% each.

The study also found that women are more likely to seek psychological help (15%) than men (12%).

The most common reasons for going to specialists are problems in the family and with loved ones (26.4%), problems at work (19.3%) and lack of self-confidence (16.7%). Less frequently, people go to psychologists for addictions (6.4%), fears (4.6%) and stress (4.1%). The least common reasons for referral are traumatic experiences (2.5%), psychological suffering (1.7%) and health problems (1.7%).

“It is interesting that on average young people are ready to spend 3 thousand rubles on an appointment with a psychologist,” says Alexei Zubets, director of the Center for Socio-Economic Research at the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, 47% are not ready to spend more than a thousand rubles on the help of a psychologist; On the other hand, 4% value the services of a specialist at more than 10 thousand rubles.

Furthermore, 47.8% of respondents stated that they found the help of a specialist useful.

As psychiatrist Pavel Beschastnov points out, one of the most common problems is overwork and multitasking at work. Therefore, it is important that loads can be alternated with periods of rest, physical activity and positive emotions. An important aspect is motivation. “When a person’s current activity seems meaningful and meaningful, the driving potential for motivation arises. If these opportunities are not enough, then the psyche still falls into chronic fatigue and exhaustion, functionality decreases to the point of inability to carry out full activity. This is a kind of “temporary loss of the ability to work”, which should be solved as a mental hygiene problem,” explains the specialist. And he adds that if a person cannot cope alone, it is important to seek professional help in time.

“When worrying about physical health, many people forget to pay due attention to mental health. It is important to remember that visiting psychologists is an integral part of comprehensive medical care and an appointment can be made, even under voluntary health insurance.” said Deputy General Director of VHI and CEO of Ingosstrakh Dmitry Popov.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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