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HomeLatest NewsSverdlovsk resident sentenced to life in prison for arson and murder of...

Sverdlovsk resident sentenced to life in prison for arson and murder of four people – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: June 26, 2024 Time: 16:17:19

Let us remember: on the night of April 14, a drunk defendant set fire to his house in revenge against a woman he knew and her minor daughter. “With his actions he caused damage to the owners worth more than 400 thousand rubles,” the Investigative Committee of the Sverdlovsk region said in a statement.

Then, on the night of May 27, everything happened again: the accused was drunk, quarreled with an acquaintance, and his house on Sovkhoznaya Street in the village of Taraskovo was set on fire. At the same time, the investigation is confident that he intended to kill both his opponent and the three people who visited him. Three men and one woman died. The arsonist fled the scene.

“Before committing the crime, the man worked as a loader at a local agricultural company. When interrogated by detectives, he confessed that the culprit was the debt obligations that arose between him and one of the victims,” said the official police representative. Regional headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Valery Gorelykh.

An examination carried out during the investigation determined that the person involved was sane: he was aware of what he was doing.

“In court, the defendant fully admitted his guilt for setting fire to his friend’s house; As for the arson, in which four people died, he partially admitted his guilt, noting that he had no intention to kill, ”reports the press service of clarifying the authority.

The Sverdlovsk resident was found guilty of murder, intentional damage to property, criminal trespass and robbery. “The culprit was sentenced to life imprisonment, which he will serve in a special regime prison colony,” states the regional prosecutor’s office, noting that the sentence has not yet come into force.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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