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HomeLatest NewsTechnology is claimed as the best 'green partner' in the construction sector

Technology is claimed as the best ‘green partner’ in the construction sector

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:35:37

New technologies are claimed as a solution to green the Spanish housing stock and the construction sector. Professionals in the latter sector defend that the horrible greenhouse gas emissions are generated through processes and materials and see innovation as an effective tool to help mitigate them. Modular construction, the use of 3D printers or the application of data and artificial intelligence are useful to help the sector with these objectives.

“The modification of the terrain, the extraction of materials, transportation…” are some of the factors that influence this environmental impact, and that also belong to the beginning of the construction process, explains to La Información the business development director of Billdín, Sergio Bautista.

For his part, the vice president of the Construction Labor Foundation (FLC) and general secretary of UGT-FICA, Mariano Hoya, explain that there are two ways of emitting carbon dioxide through this activity. One of them is related to “the manufacturing of construction materials, their transportation…”, which is known as “embedded carbon.” The second would be “operational carbon”, which is related to the useful life of the building. According to Billdin, and through the data collected in a report on sustainable buildings by the Green Building Council, the start is indeed the most polluting point. “70% of carbon dioxide emissions are made in the initial phase of a work, compared to 30% that occur during the construction stage of the building,” the study reveals.

Furthermore, its control will no longer be an independent decision of each company because European regulations force this. Thus, Sebastián Molinero, as general secretary of the National Association of Distributors of Materials for Construction, Rehabilitation and Reform (Andimac), remembers that “new construction” is obliged to turn towards the sustainable side, something that will be completely mandatory in four years .

The path to sustainability

Some construction companies have already begun their journey to achieve a more environmentally friendly sector. “All companies that have a long-term business project already introduce this variable in their development plan,” says Molinero, which will mean a transformation in just ten years. In addition, the sector will have a “seal of commitment to sustainability and the circular economy”, which Andimac will supervise and which will ensure the direction towards a sustainable economy in addition to “a better image and reputation”, advances the secretary of this organization.

Something in which technology is also going to be key. Sergio Bautista recalls that it is critical as a measurer of impact, so that construction processes become “more efficient, productive and more committed to the environment”, in addition to being useful in parallel to be able to control costs.

Technology is also key to measuring environmental impact and helping the sector control costs.

There are several systems that already exist to reduce environmental impact and build sustainable homes. Modular construction, to erect prefabricated facilities or buildings, for example, are some of the technologies that Mariano Hoya, general secretary of UGT-FICA, exposes as a solution, and that generates other consequences such as lightening the construction process, or reducing the energy and water consumption. Other tools that the vice president of the FLC details as influencing sustainability, “facilitating energy savings while reducing greenhouse gas emissions” are solar energy, as well as “3D printing” or also “the incorporation “n of artificial intelligence and ‘big data’ in construction processes.”

For his part, the general secretary of Andimac refers to “the pillars” that construction must face in the field of sustainability. Among them he refers to “environmental”, “human” and “economic”. The human and economic pillars are possibly the two most forgotten, since they have a high influence on people, so they will have “vital improvements in people” and will be “economically sustainable for users.”

The regulations will also act as a catalyst and force the different European executives to take measures. Hoya explains to La Información that the implementation of the European Green Deal together with the “Renovation Wave” strategy and the “Action Plan for the Circular Measured Economy” are what the European Union has established to become climate neutral in the horizon of the year 2050.

In the case of Spain, it is already being noticed that some of the planes have been launched. This is the case of the “National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan” (PNIEC), which seeks, by the year 2030, an improvement in “energy efficiency” by more than 30% (32.5%), or more than 70%. in “renewable electricity generation”.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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