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HomeLatest NewsThe 80-year-old billionaire surprised with his youthful appearance: doctors explained the problem

The 80-year-old billionaire surprised with his youthful appearance: doctors explained the problem

Date: September 21, 2024 Time: 12:33:42

80-year-old American billionaire Larry Ellison surprised everyone with his appearance at his upcoming performance.


Eighty-year-old American billionaire Larry Ellison has surprised everyone with his appearance at his next performance. He clearly does not look his age. And it is not even a smooth face. His movements, posture and voice tone do not betray his age in any way. We asked doctors: is this a miracle of modern medicine or genetics? Can an ordinary person, not a billionaire, also cheat the years?

“Of course, Larry Ellison looks fantastic, and not for his age,” says Amjad Al-Yousef, a maxillofacial plastic surgeon and founder of Damas Medical Center, a center for innovative medicine. – But still, the professional eye notices several points:

1. Obviously, blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids was performed. It was done very correctly, without changing the shape of the eyes: age-related changes, fatty deposits and hernias of the eyelids were eliminated. They were noticeable in photographs from 20 or 30 years ago. Now the look is open, which will, of course, rejuvenate you by several decades.

2. It is obvious that a facelift has been performed: facelift and platysmaplasty (operations to correct and strengthen the muscles and tissues of the face and neck to improve the contours and oval of the face).

3. Lipofilling is most likely to be performed on an ongoing basis – this is a rather complex cosmetic procedure, injections of one’s own adipose tissue to correct age-related facial changes, for example, to remove nasolabial folds or tear troughs, or to correct cheekbones.

4. A very fresh complexion in contrast to the skin of the hands may indicate cellular injections in the face and neck area.

Amjad Al Yousef

Photo: Personal archive.

“And, of course, you can see very professional cosmetological facial care,” notes Amjad Al-Yousef. – As for posture and grace of movements, I can assume that lifestyle plays an important role, as well as proper and balanced nutrition, perhaps under the supervision of a personal nutritionist. Injections of modern cellular drugs to maintain muscle tone are not excluded. Of course, all this is a very expensive pleasure, but a billionaire can afford it.

“Of course, lifestyle played a big role in Larry Ellison’s survival,” says Pavel Vorobyov, gerontologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, chairman of the board of the Moscow Scientific Society of Therapists and scientific director of the Pavel Vorobyov Medical Bureau. – A billionaire has plenty of opportunities to control his health. I got up in the morning, swam in the pool, pumped my blood on the golf course, plus quality balanced food, access to quality medicines and drugs. But I want to note that in Russia we have many people under and over 80 years old who are no worse looking and intellectually inferior to American billionaires. There are many of my friends like that. Still, medicine has made great strides and we have learned to control many diseases that prematurely age people. Although, let’s be honest, nothing supernatural has yet been invented in terms of prolonging life and youth. But well-known factors of a healthy lifestyle have a very noticeable effect on active longevity.

What else affects youth into old age?

* Absence of serious chronic infectious and non-infectious diseases. Serious infections can lead to the formation of blood clots and, as a result, to cardiovascular accidents. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your health, avoid foot diseases and undergo medical examinations in time.

* Being slim and fit visually takes several decades off your age. Judging by the photos, Larry Ellison has been in good physical shape all his life and has been involved in many active sports. But this recipe is within the reach of almost all of us. Moreover, it is advisable to monitor weight throughout life, because extra pounds not only have a negative effect on the general condition of the body, but also destroy joints and thus make a light, flying gait impossible. Meanwhile, lightness of gait is one of the most important indicators of youth for others.

*Genetics. Today, it has been proven that genetics plays a non-determining, but important role in life expectancy. However, family habits (nutrition, activity, etc.) can neutralize even a good genetic basis for longevity if one overeats, leads a passive lifestyle, abuses destructive substances: nicotine, alcohol, etc.

* A sonorous voice is a gift of nature. For some it is initially somewhat dull and hoarse, as if senile, and for others it is clear and young until the end of their lives.


The 80-year-old billionaire caused a stir with his appearance: he looks decades younger

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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