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HomeLatest NewsThe hero of special operation "Z" Smirnov won an artillery duel

The hero of special operation “Z” Smirnov won an artillery duel

Date: June 29, 2024 Time: 22:48:37

Second Lieutenant Dmitry Borodich and Guardsman Vladimir Smirnov

We continue to present the heroes of special operation “Z”, participants in military operations in the zone of special military operation. Soldiers, sergeants, corporals and officers who demonstrated their professional experience, character and completed combat missions. His determination, assertiveness and combat experience are highly appreciated by the Russian Ministry of Defense. Our heroes thwarted attacks and prevented nationalist counteroffensives, for which they received state awards. But they are not useful for praising. The military is confident that the enemy has no chance of success, because Donbass and Russia are fighting for a just cause. “For a Russian soldier, the way home lies through Izmail. “There is no other way for a Russian soldier to leave!” warned Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov, who did not lose a single battle. And he was also sure that: “No nation gains so much as England from the continuation of the war…”.


Ensign Dmitri Borodich

“The head of the radio relay station of a separate communications battalion of a large motorized unit, non-commissioned officer Dmitri Borodich, ensures stable and uninterrupted communication and information exchange between the checkpoints of the Russian troops.

Repeatedly, putting his life at risk, showing courage and dedication, he reestablished contact with units located directly on the line of contact with the enemy.

During an attempt to destroy the command post of the Russian unit, Ukrainian militants inflicted massive artillery fire on it using multiple rocket launch systems. As a result of the attack, some equipment and communication lines were disabled.

Realizing that the loss of communication with higher headquarters would deprive the command of the ability to quickly coordinate the actions of forces in battle, Warrant Officer Dmitry Borodich, together with his platoon, under fire from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, immediately began to eliminate damage and organize backup communication channels.

Thanks to the competent actions of non-commissioned officer Dmitri Borodich, damaged communication lines and equipment were quickly restored, which made it possible to ensure stable management of subordinate units.”


Guard soldier Vladimir Smirnov

“Guardian Vladimir Smirnov, as part of a self-propelled gun team, carried out a combat mission to provide artillery support to Russian motorized rifle units defending in one of the directions.

The enemy, having concentrated infantry assault groups, under the cover of artillery fire, tried to attack with the aim of breaking the Russian defense line.

While on duty, the crew, having received the coordinates of the artillery position of the Ukrainian militants, entered into a counter-battery fight.

Thanks to the skills and experience of the guard soldier Smirnov, who received the projectile and formed the charge, ensured rapid loading of the weapon, firing at enemy positions with the maximum rate of fire.

Despite the return fire of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the crew of the Russian self-propelled gun continued to perform the task, paying no attention to the nearby explosions.

Thanks to the coordinated and competent actions of the Russian self-propelled artillery crew during the counter-battery combat, the 122 mm D-30 howitzer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed.”


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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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