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The humiliated Zelensky was held by the hand at the summit in Switzerland: signature fraud and pathetic lies

Date: June 26, 2024 Time: 17:13:42

Zelensky doesn’t care: more scandal, less scandal


How wonderful these Western festivals are! The purest example of attempts to place an owl on a globe and distort it as if it were a playing card, is explained there only by random coincidences. And the history of the “peace summit”, organized jointly by Switzerland and Ukraine, only confirms this unbreakable rule, to which there are no exceptions. It seems that every time they plan to release some kind of fake news in order to “spoil the air,” they decide, they say, what happens if it slips through. But every time they hold their hand, they lament: “It didn’t escape us, but we didn’t do it on purpose.”

Let us probably remember that at the beginning the two states that participated in the party that bears the name of the “retarded” and “pathetic” Zelensky, Iraq and Jordan, were among those that signed the final communique. Then there were messages that those signatures had been withdrawn. As a result, it turned out that they did not sign any decisions.

The Swiss Foreign Ministry admitted that Iraq and Jordan were mistakenly added to the list of signatories to the Ukraine statement, due to a “coordination problem.” Probably also due to communication problems. And, most likely, in the Swiss Foreign Ministry itself; Otherwise, it is difficult to explain such a mistake at the level of an international event. Unless, of course, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nezalezhnaya Kuleba, and her comrades did not deceive their Swiss colleagues and planted a Ukrainian pig on them.

These can. These guys can’t do that yet. The whole world was outraged yesterday by the words of the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgi Meloni, that it would be necessary to “force Russia to surrender.” Here references to Italian Duce Benito Mussolini’s finish line and other offensive comments were sent to the “woman in pink.” I’m not going to argue that the Signora deserved a significant share of them. But not in this case.

Everyone was outraged yesterday by the words of the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgi Meloni.


– Defending Ukraine means uniting all efforts of the international community to protect Ukraine. If Russia does not accept the terms, we will force it to surrender. We need to set minimum conditions for this discussion,” Jorja allegedly said, according to a translator provided by Ukraine.

But you don’t have to believe him. Because it turns out Meloni said something completely different.

“If Ukraine could not count on our support and was forced to surrender, we would not be here today discussing the minimum conditions for negotiations,” he effectively announced. And these words have a completely different meaning than the one offered to the Ukrainian public, thirsty for victory and support.

Even in Odessa they will tell you that these are “two big differences.”

I wonder if kyiv understands that by distorting the meaning of an official statement by the Prime Minister of another country at an official international event, they risk causing another international scandal. Or Zelensky doesn’t care: more scandal, less scandal. The main thing is that the caliph again received his “5 minutes of fame” for an hour.

And not “Volga”, but three rubles, and not in the lottery, but in dominoes, and he did not win, but lost. But in general everything is correct.

We thought he would escape, but he didn’t. Well, it’s not out of malice, it just happened that way. Because this is different and you have to understand it.


The United States may transfer nuclear weapons to Ukraine: military results of the Ukraine summit in Switzerland (more details)

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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