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HomeLatest NewsThe issuance of cat passports has begun - Rossiyskaya Gazeta

The issuance of cat passports has begun – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: June 29, 2024 Time: 07:06:14

The classics are becoming obsolete before our eyes. Now this is reality. Remember the scene in “The Master and Margarita” where the cat Behemoth makes fun of the country’s passport system? “- What department issued the document? – asked the cat. There was no answer. – 412,” the cat said to himself, running his paw over the passport, which he held upside down. – Well yes, of course! Get to know this department! They issue passports at random!…”

For now, the cats receive souvenir passports. But how bad is the beginning?

On Avito, a cat’s passport costs 5 thousand. Photo: avito.ru

Like looking into the water. Someone. And now you can get a passport for a cat or dog easily and simply. Avito has a new service: for 5.7 thousand rubles, an almost “human” passport for a pet: “Premium quality, laminated page, stamps, holography, watermarks and UV labels.”

Legal importance? No, of course: it is purely for the soul. Not to be confused with veterinary and other passports; this is different.

It is significant that the service was born here, in Russia. Then again, where else? The cartoon cat Matroskin from “Three from Prostokvashino” complained to the postman Pechkin about injustice: a decent cat cannot receive a package! Give your passport to the postman, you understand. What passport does the cat have? “Whiskers, paws and tail” – these are his documents.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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