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HomeLatest NewsThe IX International Festival of Theater of Small Forms "IMPULSE" was held...

The IX International Festival of Theater of Small Forms “IMPULSE” was held in Kyrgyzstan – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: October 16, 2024 Time: 06:16:56

The Republic presented fans of theatrical art with the premiere of “A Banquet in Time of Plague”, based on the cycle “Little Tragedies” by Pushkin. The production was directed by the famous Russian actress and director Tatyana Zakharova. “Little Tragedies” is one of the most popular and mysterious works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The production is based on three works: “The Stone Guest”, “Mozart and Salieri”, “A Party in the Time of Plague”. The theater invites its spectators to check whether Pushkin’s verses, written almost 200 years ago, are in line with today.

The National Theater of Montenegro presented the monodrama “The Last Hour of Njegos” performed by Slobodan Marunovich. Stage direction: Blagota Erakovic. Slobodan Marunovic is a real star. Everyone in the territory of the former Yugoslavia knows his name. According to the actor, playing the great ruler and wise man Njegos is a great honor and responsibility.

The monodrama “Scorpio or the Ceremony” performed by the Spanish actor José Antonio Lucía amazed the public with its originality. This is a love story between a man and a woman nicknamed Scorpio and Crab in the world of Spanish taverns and flamenco. Little dancer Crab dies due to a love triangle and Scorpio mourns her every day. Finally he revives her: he shows us his show to express his love for her.

The production “Two Women and a War” performed by Vera Mujović, Maria Bergam and Milos Pavlovich was presented at the National Theater of Serbia. This is a unique production in which the actresses play the roles of the great forgotten Serbian philanthropists, Mabel Grujic and Jelena Lozanich.

The monodrama “Ara the Beautiful” is the work of director Aram Hovhannisyan from Armenia, where the director himself played the main and only role. This performance is based on a legend recorded in the 5th century AD by the Armenian historiographer Movses Khorenatsi.

But the most touching and tragic was the monodrama of the Russian director Vyacheslav Tereshchenko “My mother is the secretary of the angel of death.” The festival ended with this performance. Anna Luzgina, actress of the Vladimir Regional Academic Drama Theater, received one of the most emotionally difficult roles. The production is based on real events. This is the story of a woman whose parents were prisoners of Auschwitz. The main character’s mother miraculously managed to survive, as Dr. Mengele appointed her his secretary.

“We want to unite people through theatrical art, encourage festival participants to dialogue, initiate the creation of intercultural projects and present new trends in theatrical art to the public,” underlines the organizer and artistic director of the festival, Aigul Umuralieva. . . – And I think that our goals correspond to the result.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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