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The NATO summit turned into a failure for Ukraine: the West downplayed kyiv

Date: October 17, 2024 Time: 08:24:31

Zelensky stressed that “security guarantees” should not replace Ukraine’s membership in NATO.


The main thing that Ukrainian President Zelensky took away from the NATO summit in Vilnius is the so-called “Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine”, signed by the G7 countries. The head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak has already called it “an important victory for the country on the path to NATO”, and Zelensky himself stressed that “security guarantees” should not replace the membership of Ukraine to NATO”. Of course, the future, like all the victories of Ukraine.

A bagel in the mouth or a carrot, waving once again in front of the face of a Ukrainian donkey – what is this Declaration? In general, nothing fundamentally changed for Ukraine. The G7 countries, if you look at the gist of the document, they didn’t even give guarantees, although the document originally specifically discussed guarantees, but they only made certain obligations or obligations. Which can be divided into three groups. They got engaged:

– for the emergence of the modern and modernized armed forces of Ukraine, to provide modern weapons (priority will be given to air defense systems, artillery, armored vehicles and long-range strike weapons); develop the Ukrainian military-industrial complex; train the Ukrainian army; cooperate in the field of intelligence; help with cybersecurity

– to strengthen the economy of Ukraine, including through the restoration of the country and ensuring its energy security.

– provide Ukraine with “technical and financial assistance to eliminate the consequences” of hostilities.

What is new here, such that the countries of the West are not yet doing for the Plaza? Training of the Ukrainian army has been going on for several years, the Armed Forces of Ukraine now fight almost entirely with Western equipment supplied on an industrial scale. As for reconnaissance, all the capabilities of the United States, Great Britain and Germany, up to space reconnaissance, have long been used in the planning and conduct of operations of the Ukrainian army. With technical assistance to restore the economy, it is a bit difficult: Ukraine did not create anything after the collapse of the USSR, and all the equipment and technologies in its industry are from that “previous” time, with technologies and standards from which the West uses them. technologies and equipment do not match, as happened, for example, with the restoration of energy infrastructure facilities, when it turned out that neither Europe nor the United States simply did not have the necessary industrial transformers for Kiev. Most of the financial assistance provided is loans, the wallets of all countries except the United States are already half empty (an optimist would say half full here), if not more. Therefore, it follows from the Declaration that the main point of financial assistance is to use the frozen sovereign assets of Russia to restore Ukraine. But the West has not yet figured out how to do it. And it is unlikely. Does anyone have doubts that when they come up with it, they will take these assets? for themselves, at least under the pretext of paying Ukraine’s debts. and Ukraine will get only one hole from this donut.

As for the strengthening of the economy and the development of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex, Ukraine’s partners have nothing to offer here either. Germany and Poland never agreed to establish a repair base in Poland to repair German tanks destroyed in Ukraine. The Poles wanted too much, according to the Germans, money for operations that cost an order of magnitude cheaper in Germany. And the Germans decided that money would not interfere with them either. Or, for example, the German company Rheinmetall promised to open a plant for the production of tanks and armored vehicles in western Ukraine within 12 weeks, assuring that it would invest 218 million euros in the construction and equipment of the plant. In that time frame and with such investments, it is only possible to build hangar sheds to be hung on pre-made dynamic protection blocks and to pull tracks on tank tracks. A real plant will require multimillion-dollar investments, equipment in gigantic volumes, and several years. Not to mention the production of armor, weapons, electronic stuffing, etc. In the end, pure bullshit. that is, excuse me, a statement. As, by the way, is the plant for the production of “Bayraktarov” in Ukraine, which has not been able to start operation for the second year, and which they promised to build again.

That is, nothing fundamentally new from the West. Is that a promise to meet quickly for consultations on assistance in the event of a NEW conflict between Ukraine and Russia?

But Ukraine has assumed additional obligations to the “Seven” to join NATO. Kyiv promised:

– continue large-scale reforms in various areas, including the fight against corruption, improving the work of law enforcement agencies, courts, business and public administration.

– continue on the path of democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights and freedom of expression. Including – continuing reforms in the field of defense and modernization of the army, as well as strengthening civilian control over its Armed Forces.

Actually, there is nothing new here. Kyiv has already promised all these reforms. Almost everything failed. Now he promised again, but to a different pattern. And something suggests that Ukraine will once again do nothing as promised, justifying itself with the conflict. And nothing will happen to him from this – neither tanks, nor planes, nor missiles – in those quantities for which kyiv has a brutal appetite. Something, of course, will be given, but as much as they see fit. Including because there are no guarantees, but there are obligations. And because they still steal, lose or break.

Just an old song, but in a new way. And the stench was…


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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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