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HomeLatest NewsTraffic cameras are proposed to be equipped with signs - Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Traffic cameras are proposed to be equipped with signs – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: September 18, 2024 Time: 22:47:40

As proposed by the MPs, photo and video recording systems should give a red signal when recording an offence. According to the police, this will allow drivers to be warned about the offence and to be informed that they must slow down to avoid being punished after passing another camera.

Exceeding the speed limit is one of the most dangerous and common traffic violations. It is the main cause of deaths and serious injuries in traffic accidents, according to the explanatory note in the document.

In this case, the driver learns about an administrative fine for speeding, recorded by special technical means, usually 18 days after the incident. This period may be even longer if there is a delay at the stage of reviewing materials or sending documents to the offender.

You can quickly check the presence of an administrative fine, as well as pay it without commission with a 50% discount within 20 days from the date of the decision through websites and mobile applications.

The authors of the project believe that an effective measure to prevent drivers from violating the speed limit would be to inform the driver about this violation with a red signal and record the violation using special technical means. Such a signal can psychologically make the driver feel like an offender immediately at the moment of acceleration, and not after a few days, and be more careful when driving further.

How will an offender, moving in traffic, understand that the sign is for him?

The proposal is interesting, but, as is often the case, problematic. As automotive expert Igor Morzharetto said, it is not clear who the camera will point to on a multi-lane road. Everyone is driving at the speed limit, one car is speeding. The camera signal is turned on. Who is it aimed at?

As Nikolai Abramov, CEO of one of the companies producing photo and video cameras, told RG, it is not difficult to introduce this function into cameras. And it will cost relatively cheap – up to 100 thousand rubles. Considering that the installation of complexes now exceeds 3 million rubles, such modernization costs a pretty penny.

However, this raises many questions. And not only about which specific traffic vehicle the signal will be directed at. After all, the camera does not detect violations on the spot. It analyses the information it receives. And it is not always a matter of fractions of a second. And for whom will the camera then turn on the red light?

It should be said that in Europe signs indicating the speed of a particular car are quite widespread. The driver can notice that he is speeding. There were also signs of this type on Russian roads. They were even found on the Moscow Ring Road. In front of the exit from the unfinished M5 motorway (Novoryazanskoye highway) there were also signs of this type. But for some unknown reason they were removed.

The issue itself remains relevant, as does the accompanying problem: who will calculate the speed of passing cars and how?

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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