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Urgant spoke about his first wife, drunkenness at the theater and his greatest shame: a sincere interview

Date: June 27, 2024 Time: 21:18:52

Showman Ivan Urgant gave a long interview to director Nikolai Solodnikov. Photo: Video frame

TV presenter Ivan Urgant, missing from the radar, gave a long interview to his friend, journalist and director Nikolai Solodnikov. The conversation was filmed in film format, called “Iván’s Childhood.” According to the plot, Urgant presents to the public a new biographical book, which, however, has completely empty pages. Iván invites viewers to decide together what he will write about them.

For example, the first chapter of a non-existent book is called “Channel One” and is dedicated not to the workplace of the TV presenter, but to the Griboyedov channel, where Ivan moved as a child from Nevsky Prospekt. The conversation between Urgant and Solodnikov occasionally moves from the studio to the street, where they walk along the memorable streets of St. Petersburg for the comedian and even swim in the rivers of Ivan’s hometown.

Photo: Video frame

During the conversation, Ivan repeatedly remembered his first teacher, whom he called his favorite of all.

“By the way, I had a phenomenal primary school teacher, Alexandra Fedorovna Kovaleva, at that time I was, I think, 25 or 26 years old. My favorite and the best. At the end of third grade, she asked me to write an essay, “How I Imagine My Future.” Well, of course, there is no wife or children, because they are weaknesses. I work as an actor at the Lenin Komsomol Theater, I said, because at that time my father worked there,” Urgant said.

At the same time, the journalist told how, when he was an eight-year-old schoolboy, he got so carried away with reporting on his favorite game “Around the World” that he did not have time to run to the bathroom and urinate. his pants. Ivan clearly remembered this story for a reason; At the end of the story you can hear important words from Urgant about his attitude towards the situation in which he found himself in recent years.

“I got to the bathroom and, like a lot of kids of my generation, I was wearing sweatpants under my pants. I took off my pants and hung them wet on the radiator. The high school students came in and asked what happened. Then they say, “Yes, she peed.” I put it all on and went upstairs to get my textbooks. I thought the worst thing that would happen to me in my life was that the kids would laugh. It will be a shame, they will point the finger at me.

But no one talked to me about this topic. As if it hadn’t happened. I still don’t know if Alexandra Fedorovna said something so that these children would not embarrass me or if I just peed so quietly that no one noticed. And these are the skills I want to develop in myself: Did you shit yourself? Pretend that nothing happened,” Iván opened.

Urgant remembered many funny and embarrassing stories from his childhood. The television presenter told how he first saw a striptease when he was 12 years old. It happened on the anniversary of Mikhail Boyarsky.

Photo: Video frame

“There I saw striptease for the first time. Mikhail Sergeevich had a striptease. A woman came out and took everything. She exposed her breasts to Mikhail Sergeevich directly in his face. She was 12 years old, she was so embarrassed… My hands were shaking. And I stood there, and it was the most embarrassing thing in my life. Now I know it wasn’t the best, but then it was the most embarrassing. I remember: it was all over, Mikhail Sergeevich came up to me and said: “Van, don’t worry, he was as embarrassed as you.” But I saw that he was not ashamed, ”Urgant recalled.

Ivan also said that at the age of 14, together with a friend, he went drunk to the performance of his mother Valeria Kiseleva.

“We made a ruff and with it in our hands we went to the play “Hero of the Occasion.” They allowed us to enter the Comedy Theater. We sat on the balcony in the last row. “I am terribly embarrassed by this, but where else could I go?” Urgant admitted.


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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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