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What happened to Nikita Mikhalkov: Latest news about the director’s health on January 8, 2023

Date: June 30, 2024 Time: 04:02:20

Nikita Mikhalkov is in intensive care in serious condition


Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov, 77, hospitalized a few days ago, was diagnosed with bilateral polysegmental pneumonia (no coronavirus confirmed), against which he developed intoxication syndrome. What do these terms mean and how difficult can the artist’s condition be, said pulmonologist Sergey Puryasev.

According to the specialist, in the case of Mikhalkov, we are talking about bacterial pneumonia, and not viral pneumonia (which happens when you get covid). The expert pointed out that polysegmental pneumonia caused by pneumococcus is very serious, especially in old age, since from the age of 40 the immune system begins to fade before our eyes.

Meanwhile, according to Mikhalkov’s friend, actor and artist Alexander Adabashyan, the director does not have a fever: “the temperature is slightly elevated.” The doctor is sure that this is not a very good sign.

TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, who actively covers the situation around Mikhalkov’s illness, published a scandalous post in which she speculated on the possible consequences of the hypothetical death of the director for national culture. As a result, Ella Sobchak was accused of having begun to “bury” Mikhalkov ahead of time, after which the TV presenter had to publicly justify her words, explaining that she had nothing of the kind in mind.

It is also worth noting that on January 7, 2023 it became known that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky imposed sanctions against Mikhalkov. The reason for this was the active support of the head of the Russian military special operation in Ukraine. In addition to Mikhalkov, Ukraine’s sanctions list also included more than a hundred Russian cultural figures and show business stars who supported the SVO.

On Friday, January 6, the media reported that Nikita Mikhalkov was in intensive care at a Moscow hospital.

It was also reported that the director was diagnosed with respiratory failure in the context of bilateral pneumonia. At the same time, he remains conscious and breathes on his own.

It was previously reported that recently Mikhalkov had serious health problems. In particular, Nikita Sergeevich underwent several different operations at once. Among them, an operation to replace the hip joint, during which, according to the director himself told reporters, an infection was even introduced into his body.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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