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HomeLatest NewsWhich women are at higher risk of developing breast cancer? - Rossiyskaya...

Which women are at higher risk of developing breast cancer? – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: October 16, 2024 Time: 22:22:59

How high are the risks of getting breast cancer?

Nadezhda Rozhkova: Breast cancer is one of the ten most common types of cancer in the world. Despite all the advances in medicine, the forecast for this disease has an alarming trend: in 2020 around 2 million cases were identified worldwide, and by 2040, according to forecasts, around 3 million are expected. However, this doesn’t just talk about that. The number of breast cancer cases is growing, but diagnosis is also improving.

In the last 10 years, great progress has been made in this regard: today, malignant breast tumors are detected in early stages 1.5 times more frequently (47%). And in such cases, the disease responds well to treatment and the patient has a chance of making a full recovery. Thanks to the expansion of early diagnosis, mortality from breast cancer was reduced by 21%.

However, this disease continues to represent a serious threat to the female population and the health system as a whole.

Is it true that breast cancer is getting younger? What ages are at risk?

Nadezhda Rozhkova: Yes, this trend is noted by experts all over the world. Over the past 10 years, the number of cases of malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands among women aged 15 to 40 years has increased by approximately 64%.

Patients over 30 years of age are now at risk, although women over 45 years of age were previously included in the risk zone. But still, breast cancer is much more common in older patients. This is due to the nature of the development of malignant cells. They appear during mutations that occur daily in our body from the moment of birth. The older a person is, the more mutated cells accumulate in their body, so the risk of developing cancer increases with age.

What factors increase the risk of getting sick?

Nadezhda Rozhkova: I will cite the most important factors. This:

– hereditary predisposition, – presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse), – excess weight, – incorrectly selected hormonal therapy.

If any of her close relatives (mother, grandmother, sister) in the family have had cases of breast cancer, then the woman should monitor her health with special attention, from a very early age.

It is necessary to visit a mammologist at least once a year for preventive examinations. Genetic testing is also recommended. There are mutations in genes that multiply the risk of developing breast cancer; These are mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. The standard hereditary cancer risk is 5 to 10%. In the presence of these mutations, it increases up to 80%. Therefore, if your mother, grandmother or sister has been diagnosed with breast cancer, you should not ignore it under any circumstances.

What else could be a cancer trigger?

Nadezhda Rozhkova: These are lesions in the mammary gland. According to the results of observations, approximately 39% of women between 40 and 50 years old who suffered various breast lesions were diagnosed with an oncological process in the early stages. This is the so-called cancer in situ, that is, a tumor in the initial stage, when it is very small in size, does not manifest itself in any way, does not grow into neighboring tissues and does not metastasize. In 90% of cases, these neoplasms are discovered by chance, for example, during preparation for a planned operation, another examination, etc. If the tumor is left unattended at this stage, it will grow into a full-scale oncological process. Therefore, it is very important to always closely monitor your health, regardless of age.

When should a girl start regular self-examination and at what age should she be examined by a mammologist?

Nadezhda Rozhkova: We recommend regular self-examination of the mammary glands from the age of 19, and from the same age to periodically visit a gynecologist for a preventive examination.

Research aimed at identifying breast cancer in our country is included in the medical examination program for women over 40 years of age. In my opinion, this is too late, because patients between 19 and 40 years old cannot be ignored, since breast cancer tends to rejuvenate.

However, 90% of a woman’s health and well-being is in her own hands and this should not be forgotten. Even patients diagnosed with cancer in its early stages do not always follow doctors’ recommendations. About 70% of them, according to statistics, interrupt therapy at the first improvement, which is absolutely prohibited.

Another risk factor for breast cancer is benign changes, which can become a background for the development of a malignant tumor. These are so-called precancerous conditions, which are collectively called “benign breast dysplasia” or mastopathy. Mastopathy occurs in 50-60% of Russian women. This disease does not always lead to the development of cancer, but nevertheless increases the risk, especially in patients over 40 years of age.

The fact is that with benign formations, the antitumor protection of cells is sharply reduced. Therefore, mastopathy always requires treatment, especially if there is pain. When a woman has suffered from it for more than 5 years, the risk of developing cancer increases fivefold!

In modern medicine, there are drugs with specific action that successfully combat this disease, so it is not worth exposing yourself to additional risks. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible and receive treatment.

It is a very common belief that the use of oral hormonal contraceptives increases the risk of cancer. What can I say?

Nadezhda Rozhkova: Despite the fact that medicine is now at a high level and the level of education and awareness of women is growing, many are still afraid to take oral contraceptives, considering them a risk factor for cancer.

The answer to your question is clear: no. There is not a single confirmed study that suggests that oral contraceptives cause the development of malignant tumors. On the contrary, in some cases, modern medications can stabilize the altered hormonal levels of the female body; They are prescribed to patients for the treatment of gynecological diseases, for example, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, etc.

Now the choice of oral contraceptives is so wide that it is possible to choose a drug for any woman, taking into account her medical history and individual characteristics.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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