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HomeLatest News"Winged infantry" fly under the nose of the enemy in giant drones

“Winged infantry” fly under the nose of the enemy in giant drones

Date: June 26, 2024 Time: 13:42:25

Photo: screenshot

Amazing things happen in the special military operations zone. While plans are still maturing in the rear, the paratroopers are coming up with ready-made and, most importantly, universal working solutions.

It is known that the Dnieper is full of islands where it is necessary to have observers. And from time to time combat shifts, supplies and ammunition have to be sent to each position. But how can this be done if there are mines everywhere and the canals are attacked by gunners from both sides? It is increasingly difficult to go unnoticed on a boat. But it is a bad soldier who looks for a reason to make excuses, but a paratrooper always looks for a way and a solution to the problem. Thus, the Dnepr group of troops developed a single attack transport drone “Perun”.

“It was necessary to transport such a volume of food with a normal drone, that is, to a point, between 12 and 13 flights. Compared to a new test aircraft, so to speak, we can convey all this in one go,” the head of the food service of the Airborne Forces regiment, with the call sign “Pepper,” shows a mountain of bottles and plastic packages.

The Perun attack transport drone can lift a load of up to 200 kilograms. And not only lift it, but move it several kilometers.

The military department notes that the Perun can conduct reconnaissance, deliver ammunition and supplies, quickly mine areas dangerous for tanks, evacuate the wounded and even launch landing parties behind enemy lines.

Yes, you heard that right. “Perun” can easily drop a sniper with an assistant in full gear or a crew of an anti-tank missile system (ATGM) at one point. Or maybe he himself will become a carrier of an anti-tank missile system, which can reach a distance of 10 kilometers. At the same time, he will be able to attack from a fairly high height, from where all targets can be seen very well.

“The drone has already been tested at the test site. An anti-tank missile system with a guided missile was installed and shots were fired: first from the ground and then from the air. In this case, the missile is not adjusted in the installation itself, but through a remote control,” point out the developers of the Russian drone, which is controlled using Russian software.

The tests of “Perun” continue. In addition to the ATGM, the development team wants to equip the drone with a machine gun and a facility for launching uncorrected aerial missiles. This means it will be able to shoot down enemy air targets.

“A drone of this type will be used in each unit in different areas of a special operation,” they say in the military department.


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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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