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HomeLatest NewsYulia Menshova admitted that in her youth she changed men like gloves

Yulia Menshova admitted that in her youth she changed men like gloves

Date: June 30, 2024 Time: 06:09:41

Yulia Menshova is an exemplary wife and mother: the 54-year-old TV presenter has an impeccable reputation. The actress herself admits that her behavior was largely influenced by her responsibility towards her parents: the famous director Vladimir Menshov and the actress Vera Alentova. At the same time, according to Yulia, nothing human was alien to her. In an interview with Ida Galich, Menshova admitted that she had a rather stormy youth.

“It happened that I drank, a lot. I know what it’s like when a friend holds your hair. But to the point of losing consciousness, no, never. And I think, probably, if it had ever happened to me to the point of blacking out, I would have been very scared,” Menshova said on the YouTube show “There Are Questions.”

The television presenter admitted that before getting married she managed to attract the attention of many men. According to Yulia, she imposed herself in this way, making sure that her feminine charms worked.

“He had many novels. I won’t talk about that because they were people you weren’t interested in. I did not deny myself the pleasure of starting relationships and meeting different young people, because I was free, beautiful, pretty, which, by the way, I did not understand for quite a long time. But maybe because these novels took shape I realized that I was pretty after all? This allowed me to gain my self-esteem. I don’t consider this game,” says Menshova.

At the same time, Julia considered herself a serious girl, committed to a long-term relationship. She never had fleeting romances.

“There were no one-night stands, I was always in the mood for a relationship. And at that time there were no Telegram channels, so they won’t accuse me of anything,” the star joked.

Yulia Menshova married theater actor Igor Gordin in 1996. The couple had two children: son Andrei and daughter Taisiya. Igor and Yulia lived happily together until 2004 and then decided to leave. Her daughter was only six months old at the time. The couple divorced and lived apart for four years. And then they realized that they couldn’t live without each other. In 2008 they got back together and have not separated since then.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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