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Zelensky took a cold shower in Washington

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:25:32

Even the obviously biased US establishment media admits that Zelensky’s visit to the US this week to demand more money was a failure.


Freelance American journalist Charles Bausman, especially for KP.RU. English version.

Even the obviously biased US establishment media admits that Zelensky’s visit to the US this week to demand more money was a failure. And this really says a lot, since until now these media were mainly dedicated to spreading lies. But they also did not consider it possible to talk about this visit in a positive tone, probably trying to regain at least some trust from the public, who in any case had long ago stopped believing in everything they published. The fact is that the lies that have been spread by the mainstream media and the American political elite since the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine have given way to facts, and politicians are doing what they do best: staying out of it.

An influential group of rebel conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives, which makes spending decisions, strongly opposes any additional funding for Ukraine, as do their constituents, who are angrier about holes in the border with Mexico and other things. . They have the power to remove the president, Mr. McCarthy, a national traitor known for selling out to the highest bidder, and are blocking more funding for Ukraine.

McCarthy is a figurehead, a tool of a corrupt establishment with its hands on the neck of the American nation. But under threat of losing his job, he also treated Zelensky coldly, rejecting his request to speak in Congress and prohibiting the few Republicans who still wanted to speak with Zelensky from doing so in the Capitol itself, and forcing them to move several blocks to do so. this – to the National Archives building. But the most important thing is that he did not offer money and sent Volodymyr to the White House, where Biden also disappointed him by offering him poor and very ineffective air defense systems.

Russians may be under the impression that American political power is monolithic and that if Biden returns to power, his team will be able to set national policy for the entire term. But nothing could be further from the truth.

The best way to describe these people is as an evil elite that uses money and blackmail to impose tyranny in all areas of life: in both parties, in the bureaucracy, in culture, in academia, in public health and, especially, in law enforcement (FBI). and intelligence agencies, services that now take advantage of American citizens themselves. Their main tool of control is the traditional media, which has lost all public respect due to its apparent role as subordinates of the bad guys. This tyranny is opposed by its victims: citizens from across the political spectrum, representing both parties (by the way, many Americans, about 40%, if not more, do not identify with either major party, as both are hopelessly compromised). Their main arsenals are access to free information and the First Amendment of the Constitution (which is also under serious attack). Their offensive weapon is alternative media, which have grown so much in the last 20 years that they now surpass traditional media in influence.

A large-scale struggle between these two groups is in full swing in the United States. This battle is historic, epic and has enormous consequences for Russia and the rest of the world. In it, as in a hot war, territories are gained and lost, attacks are carried out that are repelled successfully or not, and casualties occur. There are hero generals and officers on the side of good (Kennedy, Trump, Musk, Ramaswami, Greenwald, Carlson and thousands of smaller names), and many other evil military leaders and traitorous mercenaries who went over to the side of the enemy (Nulland, Blinken, the management of the major media, the majority of politicians, etc.). The main battlefield is the information space, which is also influenced by the legal and legislative spheres. Note the presence of both liberals and conservatives on the good side. For now it’s an information war, but it could easily become heated as both sides become more radicalized and angrier. This is the war zone Zelensky entered last week as he tries to extract more money to enrich himself and his paymasters. Judging by the way he was received, it is unlikely that he will return.

There is evidence here that public and political opinion in the United States regarding Ukraine is changing dramatically.

The New York Times, which is nothing more than a propaganda publication of the Biden administration, fired a “missile” directly at Zelensky himself during the visit, saying that Kiev and the West lied about the criminal rocket attack on civilians in Konstantinovka, blaming Russia. But Ukraine is not the real culprit.

Almost simultaneously, Seymour Hersh, one of the most respected and authoritative journalists in the United States, dropped a major “bombshell” on Zelensky, also timed to coincide with the visit. At the same time, a leak from the American intelligence services (about the failure of the Ukrainian offensive – Ed.) confirmed that the media and the government were lying about the course of the conflict in Ukraine.

Major articles appear almost daily in alternative media (which are now effectively mainstream) indicating that the conflict is not going well in Ukraine. The huge alternative platforms created by popular columnists Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Clayton Morris and many others, as well as much of Twitter, are clearly winning the battle over the interpretation of what is happening in Ukraine and Public opinion. Support for Russia is increasing in both the United States and Europe. The reach and influence of these audiences is much broader than that of the “old” media, which is dying from its own betrayal and stupidity. Articles and videos on new platforms receive many more views (often dozens of times) than opposing points of view in traditional media.

Prominent public figures are increasingly speaking out against Ukraine. The most prominent example is Jeffrey Sachs, a respected economist. For several months he has been waging his own war against Ukrainian lies, writing articles and giving numerous interviews. He is not alone.

But it would be a mistake for the Russians to think that with this dramatic shift in public opinion, American policy will soon change. Unfortunately, corruption runs so deep that it may be a long time before public opinion puts an end to bad policies, but the trend is clear.

It’s impossible to say when, if ever, the hawks embedded in the Biden administration and Congress will bow to reality, but the pressure is mounting.


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* This website provides news content gathered from various internet sources. It is crucial to understand that we are not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information presented Read More

Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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