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HomeSportsKhvicha, your time has come

Khvicha, your time has come

Date: June 29, 2024 Time: 10:29:43

The Georgia team are true gentlemen. To succeed and reach the playoffs, they need to defeat the dragon. This is what the Porto club is usually called, but in this case the dragon is the Portuguese team.

In general the dragon is already full. Portugal officially occupies first place in Group F. For them, the match against Georgia has no importance in the tournament. But Georgia is hungry. In the matches against Türkiye and the Czech Republic he already tasted blood. And there is no doubt that the Georgians will seize their opportunity, even despite the strength and status of their opponent.

Georgia has shown that it has leaders. These are Georges Mikautadze, three Georges: Mamardashvili, Kochorashvili and Chakvetadze, the veteran Guram Kashia in the center of defense. The performance of the Georgians in the previous group matches depended on them.

Arrest! Where is Khvicha? This question is asked by both Georgian fans and neutrals who know him from Napoli.

Jvicha Kvaratskelia

Photo: Getty Images

In terms of status and fame, Kvaratskhelia is by far the leading Georgian footballer. And in general, perhaps the most famous Georgian in the world, regardless of his type of activity. But at the Euro he is still a tourist. He was not visible against Turkey. The main episode with his participation was Mert Muldur’s goal against Georgia, when Khvicha underperformed in defense.

Against the Czechs, Kvaratskhelia stood out the most, but other players still decided. First of all, Mamardashvili and Mikautadze. Saba Lobzhanidze could and should have decided too, but in the end she did not realize her great opportunity. It is a pity. Going to the third round with three points would be much easier than with one.

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Khvicha tries hard, he gives a lot of volume to his runs. But still this is not enough for a player of his quality and status. Of course, our expectations are our problems. And if someone imagined that Khvicha would definitely score in every match, then it was in vain. However, that is not the point, it is not about goals. It is about the impact on the game. And is Khvicha influential enough in Georgia’s selection for the Euro? I think not.

Two aggravating nuances emerge from Kvaratskhelia’s fame. First of all, it is about expectations and, in this sense, additional pressure. Secondly, it is about greater attention from rivals. Of the Georgian players, Khvicha is the strongest. And, on the one hand, thanks to this, other offensive players of the Georgia team get more freedom. But on the other hand, Khvicha finds it much more difficult to prove his worth.

Victor Osimhen and Khvicha Kvaratskhelia

Photo: Francesco Pecoraro/Getty Images

In Naples, next to Quara, there are people who are either equal to him in class and status, or superior to him. Victor Osimhen, Matteo Politano, Giacomo Raspadori: all of them also attract a lot of attention from his opponents. Consequently, Khvicha hides from some of this attention, gets more freedom and has fun in space.

In the Georgian national team, Kvara practically lacks such joy. In the national team he is the main objective of the rival defense. Additionally, it is important to note that Willy Sagnol Khvicha does not play on the offensive flank, but closer to the center. Basically, he paired with Mikautadze.

Another Georgian star:

Now the top scorer of the Euro Cup is Georgian. His statistics in the tournament are exceptional.

In this role, Khvicha can be useful, but he still doesn’t have enough space. He often goes to his favorite left wing, but according to the coach’s plan he has to spend a lot of time in the center. This is important for the balance of the team. But this does not allow Khvicha to give the maximum of what he can.

In the match against Portugal, Georgia should have more space than in the matches against Turkey and the Czech Republic. It doesn’t matter which team Portugal fields. She will most likely receive the ball. This is beneficial for Georgia and it is beneficial for Kvara. She is definitely faster than Pepe. She can outwit and outrun Gonçalo Inacio or the young Antonio Silva.

Antonio Silva, Pepe and Gonçalo Inácio

Photo: Fake Images

Furthermore, Portugal has very active regions. In matches against the Czech Republic and Turkey, the Portuguese often left free zones in the flank and semi-flank pockets. This also favors Khvicha. High-speed flank runs are his thing.

Georgia, of course, is the loser in the match against Portugal. And the chances of leaving the group are slim. But as long as they exist, Georgians will fight. And they really need their leader. The one who finds the moment and plunges the sword straight into the heart of the dragon.

For two games Jvicha was in the shadows. It’s time to come out into the light. The decisive moment has arrived for Georgia, and now is when a true leader must emerge. If it’s real, of course.

P.S. Khvicha is probably influenced by conversations about the future, which were sparked by his father and his agent right during the Euro. It is not very clear why such statements were made on the eve of Georgia’s first game. But, first of all, this is not a question of Jvicha, but of his representatives. And secondly, what’s done is done. The word is not a sparrow. Quara needs to block these thoughts and just play football the way he knows how. Life will tell what will happen next.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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