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The expert listed 8 reasons that cause dark circles

Date: June 26, 2024 Time: 06:39:25

Psychophysiologist, specialist in neuromuscular rehabilitation of the face.

“Dark circles in the eye area are one of the most common cosmetic imperfections that almost everyone faces. I will tell you why this defect appears and give you recommendations on how to correct it.”

What we will tell you

Causes of dark circles under the eyes Prevention

Causes of dark circles under the eyes.

The prevalence of bruises under the eyes is explained by anatomical reasons. The skin in this area has a minimal number of layers and blood vessels are visible through it. In addition, there is almost no layer of subcutaneous fat, which hides imperfections and gives the face a pleasant tone.

Due to these preconditions, skin darkening not only frequently appears, but is also difficult to eliminate. And in some cases, bruises cannot be corrected at all. This happens if they are caused by one of two reasons.

Reason #1 – hyperpigmentation of the skin. This is a genetic trait that is inherited.

Reason #2 – structure of the eyes. They may be deeply sunk or have an unusual orbital shape around which subsidence occurs. So dark circles are caused by shadows, that is, they are just an optical effect.

Photo: istockphoto.com/VladimirFLoyd

In both cases there are no subcutaneous defects, so they cannot be eliminated. Cosmetic procedures will help here: lipofilling or fillers based on hyaluronic acid. They form subcutaneous edema, making the area less dark. However, such procedures must be performed strictly according to indications and the possible effect must be weighed against the risk of complications.

Also, bruises under the eyes can be a symptom of pathological processes in other organs and tissues. This is how diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, lungs and endocrine system manifest themselves.

Reason #3 – chronic diseases. Obviously, if any of them is suspected, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor and treat the underlying disorder, and not mask its consequences.

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This is where the reasons arise that cannot be eliminated on your own. Everything else is mainly lifestyle related and adjusts on its own.

Reason #4 – cervical osteochondrosis. The displacement of the vertebrae and the constant overstrain of the neck muscles impede blood flow to the head. The capillaries become brittle and prone to bleeding. The outflow of venous blood, which gives up oxygen and nutrients, is also difficult. Because it is a dark cherry color, areas with thin, translucent skin also darken. Among the causes of osteochondrosis are excess weight, a sedentary lifestyle, stress and hormonal disorders.

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Reason #5 – increased visual fatigue. For those who work for a long time in front of a computer or spend a lot of time in front of devices, blood flow in the eye area is disturbed.

Reason #6 – lack of oxygen in the blood. Due to lack of oxygen, the blood darkens and becomes more visible through the skin. The reasons for this deficiency may be chronic fatigue and infrequent exposure to fresh air.

Photo: istockphoto.com/privetik

Reason #7 – bad habits. Smoking and alcohol cause microbleeds that cause darkening of the skin.

Reason #8 – thinning of the epidermis. With age, the top layer of skin thins throughout the body, but in the areas under the eyes it becomes more visible.


All these defects require an integrated approach.

First, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. Get more rest and spend time outdoors, get enough sleep, don’t abuse gadgets, give up bad habits. Secondly, it is necessary to restore disturbed blood flow and eliminate muscle spasms. The sets of exercises will free blood vessels from compression, improve trophism (the totality of cellular nutrition processes) of tissues and normalize the outflow of venous blood. And dark circles under the eyes will only remain in unpleasant memories and unloved photographs!

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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