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“They don’t write about us and it doesn’t make sense.” A new scandal in the Media League: the clubs ran out of patience

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:53:04

Media League is a perpetual motion machine for creating news feeds. There are still more than two weeks until the start of season five and passions within the community are already boiling. So, seven clubs at once (and this, at the moment, is 35% of the league) announced a boycott of one of the main football media outlets – the Kryseva telegram channel, headed by journalist Sevastyan Terletsky.

A collective letter about the boycott was published on the social networks of the Broke Boys team, it was also signed by Pure Peter (Zenith media club), FC 10, FC Dengi, People’s Team (Spartak fan club), “Titan” and Fight. Nights. The main complaint against Terletsky is his preference for the best clubs. Supposedly, he covers the lives of only the most popular teams to generate more publicity and views, while neglecting the others.

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“Hello, “Kryseva”! The leaders of all the undersigned teams are contacting you. We openly declare that from this day onwards, the managers, players and all staff of our football clubs will not make a single comment related to current football media events.

We have been hinting and teasing you for a long time about your commitment, but from now on your audience will have truly exclusive content associated with only one team: 2DROTS. We are sure that this will benefit all of football media. Conversations about prejudice and great love for 2D will end, and its public page can now legally be renamed “2DROTS Press Service”, says the collective letter of seven clubs.

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The statement seems justified, because the Media League is a fairly young movement, in the development of which all its participants should work together. When a major media outlet, followed by more than 110,000 subscribers, covers only the lives of the teams that benefit, questions arise. This approach prevents new characters from opening up. Media League commentator and Match TV team player Sergei Durasov expressed the opinion that “Kryseva” simply does not want or does not know how to work with little-known people.

Sergei Durasov

Media League commentator, Match TV player

“Seven Media League clubs, which include absolute blocks of the community that understand the processes of the media field, immediately took up arms against Seva. This means that Terletsky does not do everything correctly. In my opinion, Seva is not a 2DROTS “player”, he simply does not want or does not know how (more likely the latter) to create news feeds with people unknown to the public. You have to work hard, start a conversation, study the details, prepare questions, but why bother? The teams submit everything themselves, sit down and choose. “Following the audience’s example is not journalism, it is flattery and telling reactions with comments.”

By the way, Terletsky himself chose a rather unexpected tactic in this situation. He could “display” the statistics of his posts, showing that he covers the lives of not just 2DROTS. Or he could explain himself by making an analogy with professional football. The Spanish Championship would be a good example: there the media write mainly about Barcelona and Real Madrid, and not about Osasuna and Mallorca, this is normal. As a last resort, “Kryseva” could take a step forward and come up with some kind of format that would allow new faces to be revealed. Instead, Seva limited himself to criticizing the logic of the boycott against himself and recalled his former help to some clubs.

Journalist, author of the telegram channel “Kryseva” Sevastyan Terletsky

Photo: from the personal archive of Sevastyan Terletsky.

“The logic is not very clear to me: “You didn’t write about us, so now we won’t contact you.” It turns out that they are prohibiting me from doing something that I didn’t do anyway? It is curious that most of these clubs repeatedly turned to me for support and I provided it for free.

Friends, of course this is unpleasant for me, but this is unlikely to affect my work. I am not going to apply countersanctions: if they have interesting content, I will definitely support it,” Terletsky responded to the boycott letter.

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The “Championship” contacted the presidents of some clubs to find out their position on the boycott.

President Titan Alexander Titanovich: “Personally, we have had questions about Seva as a means of communication for a long time. In fact, I often discussed them with him. The events that occurred not long ago became the catalyst. After that, I realized that there was no point in continuing to communicate.”

President of the Titan Alexander Titanovich

Photo: FC Titan

Fight Nights President Kamil Gadzhiev: “We support the boycott, why not? This is my way of trying to get the public’s attention and that it’s not necessary to be so one-sided. When this wave began, I asked my media service a question: “Does the public page “Kryseva” write anything about us? Does it make any sense? Answer: “No, they don’t write and it doesn’t make sense.” Well, it makes no sense not to support this boycott.

Always ready to give in. But why is it necessary? An agreement is needed when one of the parties has lost a lot. “Kryseva” said she did not write and would not write. Nothing will change for him. They have not written about our people and they will not write about them. “This is how we show our attitude towards this.”

Fight Nights President Kamil Gadzhiev

Photo: from the personal archive of Kamil Gadzhiev.

So in the current situation, both sides can understand each other. Each of them has its own truth. Terletsky is trying to manage a Telegram channel based on audience interests. And the clubs he forgets about require an equal distribution of attention, because the media, by its nature, must be impartial and independent. It is not yet clear how this conflict of interest can be resolved. But one thing is clear: the fifth season of the Media League, which begins on April 20, promises to be exciting. The media scandal is just a warm-up for the main part of the shocking tournament.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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