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Where does the fat go when we lose weight? The nutritionist answers

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 05:41:04

nutritionist, cosmetologist, dermatovenereologist, trichologist

When we lose weight, our body fat is used for energy. The process of losing extra pounds is associated with chemical reactions that lead to the release of carbon dioxide and water.

Where does the fat go when you lose weight?

The main mechanism by which we lose fat is the oxidation of fat molecules, during which they are destroyed. This process takes place inside our cells, especially in the mitochondria.

At this time, the carbon atoms contained in the fat combine with the molecular oxygen in the inhaled air to form carbon dioxide (CO2). The waste product then leaves the body through the lungs when we exhale.

Therefore, most of the “lost” fat actually leaves our body as carbon dioxide when we exhale.

Also, fat molecules contain some hydrogen, and when oxidized, water is formed as a result of the reactions. It also leaves the body through breath, urine, and sweat.

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It is important to note that the fat loss process is systemic and occurs throughout the body, not just in certain areas, such as the abdomen or thighs. At the same time, most of the energy obtained from fat is not converted into CO2 and water, but is used to ensure the functioning of the organs and systems of the body.

Can you lose weight just by breathing hard?

Strengthened breathing alone is not an effective method of losing weight. During physical activity or intense exercise, we breathe faster and deeper to improve the oxygen supply to the body and metabolic processes. However, this does not mean that increased carbon dioxide production directly leads to weight loss or increased fat burning.

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Weight loss occurs when we create a calorie deficit: we consume fewer calories than we expend. This is achieved through a combination of proper nutrition and physical activity. Breathing can affect metabolism and energy balance, but it is not the only or the main factor in weight loss.

Achieving healthy and sustainable weight loss requires a holistic approach that includes proper nutrition, physical activity, portion control, and general activity.

What happens to fat cells after weight loss?

After losing weight, fat cells (or adipocytes) do not completely disappear, but their size may decrease. When you are in a calorie deficit and start burning fat for energy, the contents of your fat cells are released as fatty acid molecules for your body to use.

The number of fat cells in the body remains practically constant after adulthood. This is because in children and adolescents the formation of new cells occurs.

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It is important to note that a further increase in body weight can lead to an increase in the size of existing fat cells and the possible formation of new ones. This is due to the accumulation of excess energy in the form of fat. However, each body is unique and the mechanisms for storing and burning fat can vary from person to person.

What happens to fat cells after liposuction?

After liposuction, which is a surgical procedure to remove fat from certain areas of the body, fat cells are removed from the body. During the operation, the surgeon uses special instruments to suction excess fat from selected areas such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, or others.

The removed fat cells are no longer restored, but the remaining ones can still increase in size with weight gain. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle even after liposuction, including a balanced diet and regular physical activity, in order to maintain the achieved result.

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What part of the body is the first to lose weight and to gain weight?

The distribution of weight loss depends on several factors, including genetics, gender, general lifestyle, and body characteristics. In all people, the body can store and lose fat in different areas.

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There is an opinion that extra pounds come first of all from the most visible areas, such as the face, neck and upper body. This is bad. In fact, weight loss occurs evenly and affects all areas. Yes, there may be exceptions, but it depends on your body type and physical activity, as well as your diet.

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For example, if you are strength training certain muscle groups, you may notice fat loss and changes in those areas before others. But in general, a decrease in total body fat percentage over time will affect weight loss all around.

Weight loss is an individual process and results may vary from person to person.

If you’re looking to reduce body fat in specific areas of your body, a combination of cardio, strength training, and a balanced diet can help you achieve the results you want.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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