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“We are united by the desire to see Russia great”: this is how the initiative group to nominate Vladimir Putin as president began its work

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 06:39:01

Vladimir Putin announced that he will run for president

Photo: TASS

Vladimir Putin only announced on Friday that he would run for president, and the voter initiative group to nominate him has already begun work. First of all, its members (and they are people who need no introduction) congratulated each other: “Yesterday we all gained stability and confidence in the future,” they said. A work plan was then drawn up and a new meeting with a much larger composition was already announced: on December 16 at the Zaryadye cinema and concert hall.

Overall, the topic of the 2024 elections is undoubtedly top of Russia’s political agenda last week. First of all, the date of the vote has been set: March 17. Now the list of candidates is beginning to become clear.

Voter initiative group to nominate Putin has already started work

Photo: TASS

Many, of course, were interested in the question: will the current president go to the polls? Throughout the week, journalists persistently tormented the press secretary with questions. Dmitri Peskov laughed, remained silent and asked for patience. And only on the afternoon of Friday, December 8, at the ceremony of awarding medals to the hero of the Northern Military District, Putin modestly and as if even casually announced his decision: “Yes, I will run.”

Less than a day had passed and candidate Putin’s voter initiative group was already seated at a large round table in the Popular Front headquarters building. Actor Vladimir Mashkov, the famous wrestler and now senator Alexander Karelin, the singer Polina Gagarina, the hero of the DPR Artem Zhoga (it was he who asked Vladimir Vladimirovich the day before about participation in the elections), the synchronized swimmer Svetlana Romashkina, chess player Sergei Karyakin, general director of KAMAZ Sergei Kogogin, first vice-president of the Federation Council Andrei Turchak, president of the Children’s Oncology Center named after him. Rogacheva Alexander Rumyantsev and many other famous personalities of our country. On big screens, on teacups and some even had the words “Putin team” on their chests.

It turns out that many canceled their plans and activities for the sake of this meeting. Polina Gagarina, for example, was supposed to fly somewhere, but she stayed. And the president of the famous “Kurchatov Institute”, Mikhail Kovalchuk, on the contrary, was in Minsk yesterday, but came to Moscow specifically to participate in the formation of the initiative group:

“Yesterday’s news in Minsk, where very famous people from our field gathered, was received with great enthusiasm,” Mikhail Valentinovich told those present. – It is no secret that after the collapse of the USSR, science suffered catastrophic damage. And only after the arrival of Putin the situation changed radically for the better and continues to change in that direction. Literally, a decree on the development of nature-like technologies has just been signed. Russia is the first country in the world to take such an important scientific step. Yes, the Russian scientific community is complex and heterogeneous, but there are many thinking people in it who understand and support our president.

The head of the executive committee of the Popular Front, Mikhail Kuznetsov, thanked Artem Zhoga:

– Yesterday we heard the main words that everyone had been waiting for so long. This is an event not only on an all-Russian scale, but also on a global scale. Artem, thank you, we asked the president this very important question.

– Yes, I simply conveyed to Vladimir Vladimirovich the request of the residents of Donbass. And he answered: the hero of the SVO Zhoga was ashamed.

Many canceled their plans and activities for the sake of this meeting.

Photo: TASS

Later, on the sidelines, he admitted to reporters that he had actually violated all rules and regulations by addressing the president on this issue. And I never expected to receive a response and become the country’s top news anchor all day long.

“For us, people of action, Vladimir Vladimirovich’s decision is very important,” said Sergei Kogogin, general director of JSC KAMAZ. We have a leader who understands the current challenges of the industry. And this gives confidence.

– Many people here talk about stability, but for us, the young people of Donbass, this is not just stability. It’s about the future and possibilities. – said Ekaterina Agranovich, 24-year-old media director and author of the Telegram channel “KATRUSYA”. – It is about the future, about opportunities. The day of September 30, when Donbass became Russia, became the best day of my life! We have all been waiting for this day for a long time. Over the past year and a half, a lot has been done for the youth of Donbass. I have no doubt that who else but Vladimir Vladimirovich!

Elena Shmeleva, president of the Sirius Federal Territory Council and director of the Talent and Success Foundation, also spoke about youth and the future.

– Putin’s victory in the elections is a prerequisite for Russia’s victory. No president of any country in the world has created anything like Sirius. All the scientists and young people who came into contact with our scientific center valued what was done. And not only this. We see that the economy is developing, despite external obstacles. How schools develop, sovereign schools. The fact that Vladimir Vladimirovich put forward his candidacy indicates that he is with his people.

Actor and director Vladimir Mashkov recalled all the events of a year and a half ago, when the SVO began:

– Then the Western media wrote that many artists did not support Putin and his desire to protect the people of Donbass. I, as a representative of a creative profession, can say that this is a lie. We have always supported and supported. And those who treated our country as a source of food have already remained silent or left… Well, God is their judge. I am very proud that we have such a determined, strong person with such deep feelings for Russia as Vladimir Vladimirovich. The fact that he has run for another presidential term is an event not only for the global South or East, as is now commonly said. This is an event for everyone. I am sure that creative figures will support Putin’s candidacy and we, in turn, will create our own initiative group.

– Our president is the most athletic president in the world. He himself plays sports and supports others in this. Now that sanctions and our athletes cannot participate in international competitions, we are already creating our own international competitions. Many countries around the world have submitted applications to participate in them. All athletes are in favor of Vladimir Vladimirovich,” seven-time Olympic synchronized swimming champion Svetlana Romashina assured the public.

“And I want to add that not only the South and the East, but also the West respect our president, they simply hide him behind their state of panic,” said the famous athlete, and now politician, member of the International Affairs Committee of the Council of the Federation. Alexander Karelin decided to complement Mashkov’s speech. – And now at this meeting we unite our reputation with the reputation of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. And we must ensure that citizens also participate in the election campaign if they wish.

“There are people here from different professions, from different industries. And we are all united by the desire to see our country united and great. And we have a leader: Vladimir Vladimirovich,” Andrei Turchak summarized the speeches of those gathered there. – Let’s get to the point. We need to organize a collection of signatures, create a working group…

The first decision of the group of initiative voters was to designate the next meeting, although with a much larger composition. At least 500 people are expected to come. This was announced by Vladimir Mashkov at the end of the meeting:

– Last time such a meeting took place at VDNKh. But now an incredible exhibition “Russia” is being held there. Therefore, the space is reserved until March. And I suggested contacting the Zaryadye cinema and concert hall to hold a meeting there next Saturday, December 16. Then I called Ivan Aleksandrovich Rudin, the director. And he said that he would support our initiative.


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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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