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HomeLatest News"Safe biohacking": an excerpt from Kirill Masliev's book on stimulating the body

“Safe biohacking”: an excerpt from Kirill Masliev’s book on stimulating the body

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 06:13:45

I would like to touch on this topic. Let’s talk about herring with milk, the incompatibility of cucumbers and tomatoes in the same salad and other sophisticated ways to test the body’s strength!

1. Is mashed potatoes with cutlet bad?

Our body is not a separate nutrition system. The food you eat goes into a large warehouse. Carbohydrates (like mashed potatoes) are waiting in the stomach. Digestion begins in the oral cavity and stops for a time in the stomach to be processed in an acidic environment. Proteins (in the form of cutlets) are prepared primarily in the stomach with the enzyme pepsin. And already in the duodenum the process of digestion of everyone and everything begins, this much and little.

The division occurs as follows:

proteins – under the influence mainly of trypsin; fats – under the influence of lipase and bile; carbohydrates – with the help of amylase.

It is clear that all this jumble of heterogeneous mass gives a feeling of madness.

load on the body. Hello Olivier for the New Year!

Is there a way to eat potatoes with meat profitably? Yeah! first the meat

and after that, potatoes! Not as tasty, but healthier. The fact is that if you eat vegetables and protein before carbohydrates, your glucose and insulin levels will be significantly lower. And we remember that the lower these indicators are, the younger we are, not only on a biochemical level, but also on an external level.

An article published in the journal Diabetes Care found that the order in which different types of foods are consumed affects post-meal glucose and insulin levels, especially in obese people.

2. Is cucumber and tomato salad prohibited?

Ascorbinase is found in varying amounts in all vegetables and herbs, including

including tomatoes. And vitamin C per 100 grams of tomatoes is slightly less than 20 mg. And you might assume that vitamin C would disappear instantly in a bowl of cucumber and tomato salad. But the contact surface of the vegetable pieces is small. The ascorbinase enzyme in cucumber and vitamin C in tomato interact for a short period of time, so losses should not be taken into account. In addition, the destructive enzyme has pitfalls: ascorbinase is deactivated in the acidic environment of the stomach.

3. Spinach and dairy: what’s the connection?

Spinach, such as amaranth, sorrel, sweet potato, potato, beet, as well as raw legumes and whole grains, nuts and even cocoa with tea, although in smaller quantities, contain oxalic acid or oxalates. This substance forms insoluble salts with the minerals sodium, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. What is bad about this or, on the contrary, good? You ask yourself. If you are prone to kidney stones, a combination of oxalate-containing foods and dairy products may reduce the risk of stone formation. But this combination can cause a lack of calcium and other minerals due to lower absorption. Another situation is also possible: an excess of oxalic acid in the diet and a deficiency of minerals can provoke the development of urolithiasis. Therefore, as always, there is only one solution: a balanced diet.

4. Herring with milk: is it there or not?

If the herring is too salty, it is recommended to soak it in milk or water. Surprised? And this is the beginning of the recipe for the famous snack called “forshmak”! For example, the Tula landowner Vasily Levshi wrote about him in his 1816 essay “Russian Cuisine.” And no, this is not a time bomb that causes intestinal discomfort. Compatible products! If there are no kidney problems, high blood pressure or lactose deficiency, eat herring with milk!

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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