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Why the “brain melts” in summer: what happens to our nervous system in the heat

Date: September 20, 2024 Time: 01:15:04

Heat hits the nervous system.

Photo: Shutterstock.

“When it’s hot, I don’t want to work at all. I don’t really always want to. But especially in the heat,” complains a friend. Who isn’t ready to sign up now? In summer, most of us feel like our brains are melting. How else can we explain the increasing tendency towards laziness and difficulties in concentrating on work issues? Irritability and anxiety also appear.

Why is this happening? How does summer heat affect our central nervous system? Komsomolskaya Pravda found out what scientific research says and discussed a hot topic in every sense with an authoritative specialist. Our expert is one of the leading neurologists of the Clinical Diagnostic Center NCC No. 2 of the Russian Scientific Center of Surgery named after him. Academician B.V. Petrovsky Olga Martyanova.


The World Health Organization says it straight. According to the WHO website, excessively hot weather not only harms physical health, but also poses a threat to mental health and our psyche.

“Most of the serious research into the effects of high temperatures on human health and the brain has been carried out as part of the study of the consequences of global warming,” explains Olga Martyanova. – In such cases, the authors focus primarily on the economic component. In particular, they analyze how excessively warm weather conditions affect people’s performance. And scientific data confirms this: it is really falling.

A study has shown that the productivity of office workers begins to noticeably decrease as soon as the ambient temperature exceeds +24°C. Furthermore, as congestion increases, performance continues to deteriorate.

– Similar experiments have been carried out more than once, both with workers and students. All studies show that hot weather affects memory, concentration and speed of decision-making, says Dr. Martyanova.


Uncomfortably hot weather (the threshold for discomfort may vary for different people) causes heat stress in a person, a neurologist explains.

– As part of the reaction to a stressful situation, our brain activates defense mechanisms. In particular, it strives to save resources and reduce their consumption. This explains lethargy, drowsiness, decreased concentration and increased manifestations of laziness, says Olga Martyanova.

In addition, during a protective reaction to heat stress, blood flow decreases, the expert continues. Less oxygen and nutrients reach the brain. And the most important microelements evaporate during profuse sweating. All this also negatively affects the functioning of the “control center” of our body. Various accidents occur. These include an imbalance in the functioning of hormones, including dopamine and serotonin, which are involved in stabilizing emotions. “Hence the decrease in mood, anxiety, melancholy or, conversely, aggression, anger,” explains the expert. “For example, foreign studies show an increase in the number of fights and murders during extreme heat.”


Sleep can also be seriously affected by heat. Our brain has special heat-sensitive cells. They are involved in triggering the sleep mechanism. The optimal temperature for good sleep is considered to be plus 18-22 degrees, somnologist Professor Roman Buzunov told KP. If the room is hot, a person sleeps less and worse.

“When the temperature is too high, both the duration and quality of sleep changes,” confirms neurologist Olga Martyanova. – Due to the deterioration of these parameters, the level of stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline) increases. This “cocktail” adds irritability, aggression and anxiety.

On the other hand, a person who is “restless” due to lack of sleep and heat stress increases the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the expert warns. First of all, heat causes a deterioration in the condition of patients with cardiovascular pathologies. Therefore, it is very important to monitor blood pressure, pulse rate, whether shortness of breath increases or swelling has appeared (increased). If you feel unwell, be sure to consult your doctor. You may need to adjust your current therapy, changing the dosage of medications or replacing/adding medications.

How to help yourself

If you have read this text, you have already contributed to self-help. As they say, forewarned is forearmed. Understanding the processes that occur in the body and central nervous system (CNS) will help you better navigate and evaluate your behavior and that of those around you. For example, note the increased irritability in the heat. If you explain this to yourself, you will be able to avoid unnecessary disputes and reduce the intensity of conflicts.

It should also be noted that in conditions of heat stress, the brain operates in a special mode of resource conservation. So do not blame yourself for laziness or decreased productivity (but within reason, of course, without completely relaxing). It is recommended to take measures to help the central nervous system avoid overload. Let’s say, if possible, postpone the resolution of some important issues, training in additional courses, etc. until the heat passes.

Should you take sedatives in hot weather? Or, on the contrary, tonics to lift your spirits if you feel lethargic and sleepy in the middle of the workday?

“I would not recommend it,” says neurologist Olga Martyanova. – If a person does not have mental or neurological diseases, his condition will normalize without additional funds, as soon as the factor provoking the discomfort disappears. That is, it will become cooler: it will rain, the temperature will drop at night, and there will be access to an air-conditioned room. If, due to the heat, the patient’s existing disease has worsened, ordinary over-the-counter sedatives will not help. You need to go to the doctor.

Add apple juice to the water.

“When we sweat a lot, we lose trace elements necessary for blood circulation and normal brain function,” recalls neurologist Olga Martyanova. – Plain water is very necessary for the body, but it does not always allow us to completely replenish all losses. Moreover, in some cases (for example, when a person drinks only water and does not eat anything for a long time – Ed.) this can accelerate the excretion of vital substances. This effect was observed, in particular, among marathon athletes. Those who drank a lot of water lost consciousness. And runners who consumed electrolyte solutions (with potassium, magnesium) felt normal.

In everyday life, in hot weather, it is useful to quench thirst with plain and mineral water, unsweetened fruit drinks and green tea, the expert advises. Moreover, a scientific study has shown that even with severe dehydration, apple juice diluted with water works well. It contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary for our cardiovascular system.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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