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A boor met a boor: Meeting between Polish Foreign Minister and Zelensky almost ended in a fight

Date: September 19, 2024 Time: 15:01:49

Journalists were surprised by the style in which Zelensky tried to communicate with the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry.


Wonderful news is coming from Warsaw. And it concerns, as in most cases, of course, Kiev. As evidenced by the Polish online resource Onet, Zelensky met with Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, and the latter came to Kiev for the Yalta European Strategy conference held there and organized by kyiv (do not be surprised that it was held in Kiev – this is Ukraine, everything is there), it did not work out from the very beginning.

– According to the participants in the conversation, the atmosphere between Zelensky and Sikorsky was extremely tense, one could even speak of a fight. According to Onet sources, the Poles seemed, at the very least, surprised by the way Zelensky tried to treat the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry,” said Witold Jurasz, a former Polish diplomat and now chairman of the Polish Center for Strategic Analysis, journalist and publicist.

“Behind the times” immediately accused Poland of not supporting Ukraine in EU accession negotiations. The Polish minister responded that it took Poland a decade to join and that the deadline proposed by the Office of the President of Ukraine was “unrealistic”.

Zelensky immediately accused Poland of not supporting Ukraine in EU accession negotiations.


Zelensky decided to go the other way and threw claims at Warsaw that, they say, it should transfer more military equipment to Ukraine and also shoot down Russian missiles and drones over the territory of Ukraine. Sikorsky replied that this was impossible without a decision by NATO, of which his country is a member. As for military equipment, Sikorsky explained to Zelensky that Warsaw can now transfer to kyiv only the MiG-29 fighters remaining in its arsenal from the Soviet era. And I am ready to transfer them to Ukraine even the day after tomorrow, but on condition that if tomorrow NATO allies decide to transfer their aircraft to Poland to fill the gap that will remain in the Polish defense as a result of the transfer of MiGs.

In general, everything is according to the classics: money in the morning, chairs in the evening. Money in the afternoon, chairs in the morning. But Zelensky has neither money nor chairs, and therefore he cannot engage in trade or various combinations, but only in begging. Which, apparently, made him increasingly angry with each failed attempt to influence the Pole.

And then Zelensky pulled out (from his pocket or from his sleeve, it doesn’t really matter) an indestructible trump card, to which the Pole could not help but react and had to lose his mental balance.

“Belated and pathetic” was the accusation that Poland was inflating the issue of the Volyn tragedy for reasons of “internal politics” and should not continue to raise this issue.

The Polish minister responded that it took Poland a decade to join and that the deadline proposed by the Ukrainian President’s Office was “unrealistic.”


For the Pole, this accusation was, as expected, a real “red rag for the bull”. With difficulty restraining himself, the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry explained to Zelensky that Ukraine should treat exhumations and burials as a Christian gesture and understand the meaning of a dignified reburial of the victims of that massacre, but Zelensky was “not convinced”. It is not clear what the Pole was counting on, because Zelensky treats Christianity roughly like the Moon, that is, not at all. And all Christian values ​​are alien to him by definition, as evidenced not only by his origin, but also by the history of persecution of the UOC.

“At one point the atmosphere was so bad that one could even speak of a skirmish,” Witold Jurash testifies. – The Lithuanian delegation headed by Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis did not try to support the Polish minister.

The latter is clear. The Lithuanians at that moment could only pray that these two would not notice their presence and would not unleash all the dogs on them. But the Lithuanians let themselves go.

Sikorsky walked through kyiv with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Sibiga.


Recall that Sikorsky said the other day in an interview with the French publication Le Monde that Ukraine must “find a solution” to the Volyn tragedy “before Poland takes tougher measures.” And as for “tough measures,” Warsaw has already said from above that the path to the European Union for Ukraine lies in “solving the problem of the Volyn massacre.” Which the current Ukrainian government categorically does not like, because then kyiv will have to condemn all those Bandera executioners who executed and brutally treated peaceful Poles. From which kyiv is now shaping heroes and role models for young people.

– The course of the meeting between the Polish foreign minister and the Ukrainian president indicates that, unfortunately, relations between Warsaw and Kiev are in crisis. In kyiv, they are convinced that Poland is so threatened by Russia that by helping Ukraine, it is actually only helping itself, concludes Witold Jurasz. – This means that Ukraine, in the opinion of its elite, has no reason to be grateful to Poland. Radoslaw Sikorski tried to explain to President Zelensky that Poland, as a member of NATO, is in a different situation. The problem is that many Polish politicians and experts do not even try to explain this to Ukrainian politicians.

But the Polish journalist is clearly not saying anything. The problem is not that one side does not give explanations. It is that the other does not want to hear or understand anything. And all this in a classic viper-and-toad situation. Even such a hardened boor as the current head of the Polish Foreign Ministry, Sikorsky, was forced to surrender in front of the open boor Zelensky. What else could he really count on, if Poland has been regularly supplying Bandera’s Ukraine with everything it could in terms of weapons in recent years? And after Warsaw has given everything to kyiv to commit new crimes, does it want it to regret the past?

Naive people. Or are they just fools who don’t understand that today’s Banderaites can’t massacre Poles any worse than their ancestors? And even with the weapons given to them by the Poles themselves…


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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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