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A nutritionist explains why it is important for office workers to take omega-3 – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 06:38:34

At the same time, expert opinions agree that some nutrients are vital. For example, Omega-3 fatty acids, which nutritionists, nutritionists and cardiologists have been talking about so much in recent years, are dedicated to World Day, which is celebrated on March 3. Dietitian and nutritionist Olga Kondratenko explained to Rossiyskaya Gazeta why omega 3 is important.

“Polyunsaturated fatty acids, including Omega-3, are important for the cardiovascular system and the circulatory process, including at the microcirculation level. Therefore, Omega-3 is necessary for proper brain function and eye health. If you spend a lot of time sitting on the monitor, fatty acids are of fundamental importance: they improve the nutrition of the retina and prevent dry eye syndrome,” says Olga Kondratenko, nutritionist and Solgar expert.

The expert answered the main doubts about this important nutrient.

Why omega-3s are important for our health

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are a building material for cell membranes, blood vessels and elements of nervous tissue. The daily norm of omega-3 PUFA in the body should be 950 mg.

“Omega-3s are essential because they are not synthesized in our body. We obtain them from the outside, along with food. The main sources are sea fish, especially from the northern seas, cod liver, linseed oil , nuts and avocado,” explained Olga Kondratenko.

Although omega-3 can be obtained from food, among Russians the deficiency of this nutrient is 80%. Among the main reasons are eating disorders and an unbalanced diet: we eat little fish and prefer processed meat. The most popular oil among Russians is sunflower, but it contains a lot of Omega-6 and very little Omega-3. Another reason is that manufacturers are replacing saturated fats with trans fats.

“An avocado toast in the morning, two servings of salmon or other fatty fish a week can maintain optimal levels of Omega-3. But not all Russians can follow this diet. Therefore, it is advisable to also take adapted forms of Omega-3 in the form of nutrients,” advises the expert.

What is the daily requirement of Omega-3?

“Omega-3 needs are different for all people; this largely depends on the usual diet. To determine in the laboratory the risk of lack of this nutrient, the Omega-3 index can be taken,” advises Olga Kondratenko.

Natural omega-3 fatty acids are easily oxidized by light and air and their properties deteriorate when heated. Another problem is that the consumption of sea fish among residents of continental Europe is progressively decreasing and now only about 10% of people regularly consume fish in the necessary quantity (2-3 servings per week or more).

“The daily rate of Omega-3 PUFA in the body should be 950 mg; to obtain it, it is recommended to supplement the daily diet with supplements. When choosing Omega-3, it is necessary to focus on the composition. The two most important amino acids included in Omega-3 they are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and DHA, and they must represent at least 50% of the total composition,” says the nutritionist.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the place of production and packaging, it should not be transparent, since oxidation of omega-3 occurs under the influence of light. The product should not contain GMOs and the level of fish oil oxidation (TOTOX indicator) should not be higher than 26. “It is safer to buy nutrients in the pharmacy,” says Kondratenko.

Is fish oil equivalent to Omega-3?

When choosing a supplement, you should focus on the concentration of Omega-3 in one capsule (or check the instructions for the daily requirement; sometimes it is two or three capsules). Drinking fish oil is less effective: it is a high-calorie product, but it contains much less of the most important components – EPA and DHA.

“Pay attention to the label. For example, there are Triple Omega-3 options, where the necessary amount of EPG and DHA, that is, 950 mg, is contained in a single capsule. It is convenient to take it. To produce fish oil, “These supplements are concentrated, but the composition is enriched with useful components. In addition, the raw materials are clean of heavy metal impurities that the fish may contain,” notes Olga Kondratenko.

Another tip from a nutritionist: it is good if the capsules contain vitamin E along with Omega-3; This is a powerful natural antioxidant, it helps preserve the beneficial properties of the product and promotes its better absorption.

Consult a healthcare professional before making any decisions about your health.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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