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HomeLatest NewsClasses for educational psychologists have been opened in the capital's schools -...

Classes for educational psychologists have been opened in the capital’s schools – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 06:32:19

Who are the participants?

Five schools participate in this project: nos. 1206, 1238, 1368, 1793 and 2120. “We had six pre-professional classes, including media, computer science and cadets. The psychological and pedagogical class was opened at the request of students and parents,” said RG. Director of school number 2120, Dmitry Lanshchikov. We recruited 9th grade students who had passed the state final certification (GIA) in Russian language, social studies and biology with at least four points. These topics will be emphasized in the new pre-professional class.

What will be taught?

Like all pre-professional classes in the capital, this project has partner universities; Like schools, there are also five. One of them was the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University. According to Olga Yesenina, responsible for the implementation of the project, this is an extremely important project, especially in our times. “The organization of psychological and pedagogical classes and the participation of students in them not only helps to increase the prestige of the profession of psychologist and psychopedagogue, but will also help schoolchildren to self-determination, to realize their vocation,” said Olga Yesenina. RG. “Children will gain experience in management and leadership.” According to Yesenina, the benefits of studying in such a class will be obvious: children will develop their emotional intelligence, acquire empathy and communication skills. And outstanding university teachers will familiarize schoolchildren with his future profession.

Five schools are currently participating in the new city project

famous names

It is planned to involve famous psychologists in the training of students. In particular, those who in the past academic year helped graduates psychologically prepare to pass the unified state exam. Among them are Vyacheslav Dubynin, Victoria Dmitrieva, Larisa Surkova and others. As noted by Olga Yesenina, the opening of this project in schools has been expected for a long time. In 2017, MSUPE opened a career guidance center for pre-university education “PRO PSY”. “Our ambitious goal was to become a link between residents, the education and science department, employers, clubs and students,” says Yesenina. “The center teaches neurotechnology and cognitive science classes throughout Russia, the demand is huge,” she says. she says. This means that new pre-professional classes will be popular.

What are the objectives?

The main task of studying in these new classes is not so much to master professional skills at the initial level, but to show the teenager what his profession will be related to, what he will do, with whom and how to work, and what difficulties he will have. he will find. As future educational psychologists themselves joke, having mastered these skills in two years of schooling, they will at least learn to calm down and tune in to the appropriate wavelength, without resorting to outside help.

What other addresses are there?

Let me remind you that for the first time, pre-professional classes (engineering and medicine) appeared in Moscow in 2015. At that time no more than a hundred high school students studied there. Currently 400 Moscow schools are participating in the projects. 52 thousand high school students study in pre-professional classes. The number of these classes is growing. The interest is explained simply: children study in greater depth those subjects that they will need to continue studying at universities. In addition, university professors introduce them to the profession and students receive practical training with future employers.

The choice is wide. In total, eleven directions are now open: medicine, computer science, cadets, new pedagogy, space, media classes, aircraft construction, engineering, sports, entrepreneurship and psychological-pedagogical.

They are in almost all schools in the capital, the only difference is that in some places only one direction is represented, and in others the entire line is represented. It depends on the wishes of the students and the capabilities of the school. After all, to create special classes you need well-equipped laboratories, IT training grounds, 3D machines and printers, robotics laboratories, medical equipment or a modern sports field. For example, last year they opened sports, aviation and space classes for the first time. Sports classes were attended by athletes who want to continue studying at their school, but spend more time on the training fields than in classes. Two more areas were created with the participation of the state corporation Roscosmos. Next year it is planned to open a National Space Center in the capital and the personnel for this are already being considered.

+10 points

Studying in any pre-professional class has its advantages for students. If they wish, they can even take a pre-professional exam. This will add up to 10 additional points to your results when passing the Unified State Final Exam. But still, the main thing is that these guys more carefully choose their future profession and the university to obtain it. Statistics show that 90% of graduates of pre-professional classes enter a specialized university. While studying, some find work by entering into postponed contracts with companies.

Helpful Links

The necessary information about schools with pre-professional classes is collected on a special platform profil.mos.ru.

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Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor
Hansen Taylor is a full-time editor for ePrimefeed covering sports and movie news.

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