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“Clocks of aging”, new tests for cancer and a super method to lose weight: the new developed by Russian scientists

Date: September 8, 2024 Time: 06:24:40

Russian scientists are developing three next-generation test systems for cancer diagnosis. They are expected to register in 2024.



– The older we get, the more we want to stop time, slow down aging and turn back the biological clock. As life expectancy increases, active longevity becomes increasingly relevant. So that people not only survive, but maintain the quality of life, – said Tatyana Semenova, Deputy Minister of Health for the Development of Medical Science. And she told what Russian scientists are working on to prolong our youth and maintain health in the “silver age”.

First, the inevitable (we hope so far) aging process is studied at the deepest molecular level. In fact, to effectively treat decrepitude, it is necessary to penetrate its essence. Our researchers are creating models of aging clocks to estimate biological age, says Tatyana Semyonova. Moreover, such “measures” are developed separately for different organs and systems. Because even in the same person, for example, the heart, the liver and the brain can have a different biological age that does not match the passport numbers.

At the Institute for the Study of Aging of the Russian National Research Medical University. NI Pirogov figured out how to accurately determine how young the cardiovascular system is. She was chosen to study for a reason. It is diseases of the circulatory system that occupy the first place among all diseases, due to which people’s lives are disrupted. In order to find out the true age of the vessels and the “fire engine”, the patient undergoes various instrumental studies. With the help of echocardiography, she determines the cardiac output, the thickness of the posterior wall of the left ventricle, the thickness of the interventricular septum and others. From the data obtained, a neural network trained by specialists evaluates the state of the heart and determines the biological age. If he “gets ahead of the locomotive”, a cardiologist will help find weaknesses and give recommendations: which elements of the cardiovascular system need to be strengthened in the first place.


In addition to heart problems, most people experience osteoporosis as they get older. We are talking about increased fragility of the bones, fraught with dangerous injuries, including a fracture of the femoral neck. To combat this scourge, our scientists have developed methods for the differential diagnosis of osteoporosis (it helps to make a more accurate diagnosis for the selection of the best treatment). We also create the latest generation of implants. Such products are coated with biologically active components, due to which it is possible to achieve repair (correction of damage) in patients with osteoporosis, said Tatyana Semenova.

Not only the body, but also the brain suffers from aging and the diseases it causes. Scientists around the world are wrestling with the mysteries of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. One of the main challenges is learning to recognize these ailments in the early stages, when the chances of saving the brain from degradation are still high. According to Semenova, in RNIMU they. Pirogov, a unique non-invasive test system is being developed that allows you to “catch” Alzheimer’s at those stages when there are not the slightest signs of a devastating disease. As KP ​​discovered, scientists are studying the molecular features of the mechanisms of disease development and determining the “marks” that appear in the blood of patients. These biomarkers will allow an early diagnosis. At the same time, treatment methods are being developed.


Another misfortune prevents modern people from living happily ever after. Doctors talk about a real obesity epidemic that has spread to many countries of the world, including ours. At the same time, in recent years, drugs have become available that people who are losing weight consider almost a panacea. “Harmony shots” are praised by model Kim Kardashian and billionaire businessman Elon Musk. In them, as connoisseurs of secular life assure, many Russian artists, TV presenters and other celebrities sit. However, first of all, such drugs are intended for the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus. And a foreign manufacturing company that sold us drugs of this class (so-called glucagon-like peptide-1, GLP-1 analogues) announced that it would suspend supplies to the Russian Federation. How does the Ministry of Health assess this situation? Will diabetics and patients with truly dangerous obesity go without the necessary medicines?

– Regarding the effectiveness of these drugs to combat obesity, there are different data (not only positive. – Ed.), – said Tatyana Semenova, answering the question of “KP”. – But measures are being taken to provide necessary medicines to patients with diabetes. In June this year, one of the leading Russian pharmaceutical companies received permission from the Ministry of Health to conduct first phase clinical trials of one of the drugs from the class of GLP-1 analogues.

So we will soon have the first state-of-the-art domestic antidiabetic, assured the vice-minister. At the same time, various approaches to removing excess weight are actively being developed. In particular, the technique of low-frequency electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve through the skin (which connects our intestines to the brain) is being tested.


By fall, epidemiologists are predicting another surge in covid. And in the same season, an updated Russian vaccine against coronavirus should arrive on time, said Tatyana Semenova.

– Carrying out preclinical studies of the vaccine. [«Спутник»] with updated content. Good results have been obtained. Preparations for conducting clinical trials have begun. We have very little time, because we have to launch new vaccines this fall.

According to Semenova, the updated Sputnik Light (including an injection) will be the first to be available. Then the classic “Sputnik” (two injections with a break of several weeks) and vaccination options for children.

Komsomolskaya Pravda asked the Deputy Minister when another vaccine will appear in demand – a drug that saves cats from allergies. It was developed by scientists from Sechenov University together with colleagues from Vienna, Austria. Current geopolitical events have made some adjustments, the pace of work has slowed down, but it continues, Semenova assured. In the near future, the scientists plan to start preclinical studies of the drug (that is, its testing in model animals). Human clinical trials will then begin.


– Russian scientists are developing three next-generation test systems for cancer diagnosis. They are expected to register in 2024.

– There is a group of patients for the 1st phase of clinical trials of the first national drug against spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).

– The Ministry of Health plans to “create an entire factory of personalized gene therapy drugs commissioned by a specific patient” for the treatment of rare diseases.

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Puck Henry
Puck Henry
Puck Henry is an editor for ePrimefeed covering all types of news.

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